Twitter Officially Disbands Trust And Safety Council

JAKARTA - Twitter Inc., reportedly has disbanded the Trust and Safety Council team, which is a group of advisors or boards of Twitter established in 2016.

The Trust and Safety Council consists of about 100 independent researchers and human rights activists who advise Twitter on how to enforce its policies on content such as hate speech before the social media site was purchased by billionaire Elon Musk.

According to several reports including the Wall Street Journal and TechCrunch, several councils received emails from Twitter on Monday, December 12 regarding the news of the dissolution.

The email said that the board was not the best structure to gain external insight into company products and policy strategies.

"As Twitter enters a new phase, we re-evaluate the best way to bring external insight into our product development work and policies. As part of this process, we have decided that the Trust and Safety Council is not the best structure to do this," Twitter wrote in an email shared by @Anthony on Twitter.

Meanwhile, the company said it would "continue to accept" ideas from board members, however, there is no guarantee whether the idea will be considered by Twitter or not.

"Your regional contact point will remain the best person to be contacted to escalate the problem, let us know if you need to reconnect," the company explained further.

Given that the advisory group designed to provide the idea has been disbanded, Twitter did not forget to thank him for his involvement so far.

"We are grateful for your involvement, suggestions, and collaboration in recent years and wish you success in the future," the email concluded.