Realize The IPO Fund, KDTN Groundbreaking Hotel At The Cipali Toll Rest Area KM 166 And KM 164

PT Puri Sentul Permai, Tbk (KDTN) has officially obtained Building Approval (PBG) for Kedaton 8 Xpress Hotel & Lounge with the Cikopo - Palimanan Toll Area Rest Area KM 166 and KM 164. The management of this project is under PT Wirani Sons, where they began to carry out the construction of a hotel which began with Ceremonial Groundbreaking today, Tuesday 13 December.
Hotels with an area of 1,500 square meters each are equipped with lounges, playgrounds for children, other facilities that will pamper visitors and are targeted for completion in the next 6 months to immediately contribute revenue and create jobs for the surrounding community.
Puri Sentul Permai (KDTN) Director Aan Rohanah said that his party did not want to linger in holding investment funds originating from the public.
"For this reason, we have built a Kedaton 8 Xpress Hotel KM 166 & KM 164 Cipali Rest Area quickly with a target to be completed and operational by the end of June 2023 for hotels at KM 166 and the end of July 2023 for hotels at KM 164," said Aan Rohanah in a written statement.
The realization of the construction of the Kedaton 8 Xpress Hotel KM 166 is proof that PT Puri Sentul Permai Tbk is consistent in the business development that was previously stated in Prospectus. In the construction of the Kedaton 8 Xpress hotel at the Cipali KM 166 & KM 164 Toll Rest Area, PT Puri Sentul Permai, Tbk cooperated with CV Usach Utama as the implementing contractor to build hotels.
CV Usach Utama itself is one of the MSMEs engaged in contractor services and was established in 2019.
"The speed of work from the Main CV Usach team is expected to be able to quickly complete this project according to the target so that the Kedaton 8 Xpress Hotel Rest Area Tol Cipali can operate quickly to bring in revenue & profit afterwards," added Aan.
The hotel that was built is the same concept as the 8 Xpress Kedaton hotel, which is a digital concept with self service services for rooms and food & beverage orders. Meanwhile, Lounge will be provided for visitors to the Cipali Toll Rest Area, which is currently still in the process of completing the image design, on the other hand, the company is also finalizing collaborations with top bank and surrounding MSMEs in order to facilitate future Lounge operations.
"Thank you for the support and synergy from the Majalengka Regency Government and all parties who have been involved in this groundbreaking ceremony, hopefully the construction of this hotel will run smoothly and be completed on time," said Aan Rohanah.
KDTN in this expansion will disburse investment funds worth IDR 7-8 billion for every hotel construction. Opex per hotel is around IDR 300 million until this hotel can record a profit as working capital.
At the Swissbell Express Kedaton Hotel on the Cipali Toll Rest Area, Swissbell will be the implementing operator in all full operations, while the investment and licensing costs will still be borne by KDTN.
Made Suryadana Director of PT Wirani Sons said, this is the first hotel to be built in a rest area completely from scratch. With the potential for the Trans Java Toll Road which will reach 2,000 KM, this potential can be captured by KDTN.
In developing hotels in this rest area, KDTN, which collaborates with Swiss Hotel, hopefully, can continue to develop the potential that exists in Majalengka.
"With this hotel, the workforce and food supplies will be taken from the surrounding area, it will be able to revive the economy in Majalengka. We will even provide facilities in the form of MSME plazas in this hotel area," said Made Suryadana.
Deputy Regent of Majalengka Tarsono D Mardiana in his speech said that his party was also happy because he wanted to establish hotels and various other facilities that could participate in developing tourism potential in Majalengka.
"The presence of this hotel can reduce the number of accidents, as well as a means of regional promotion by promoting MSMEs Majalengka, as well as creating jobs for our community. Previously in Majalengka there had been no star hotels that could welcome guests from various circles, especially since this hotel will be built by Kedaton and Swiss Belhotel," explained Tarsono.
With the presence of this hotel, it is hoped that regional income, public income and the economy in general can grow. We will encourage this collaboration with various excellent policies so that it can make investors who want to help build Majalengka.
"Because with this investment from the private sector, it is guaranteed that the surrounding economy will grow so that it becomes a developing area," concluded Tarsono.