Riau Bapenda Holds Operations For Controlling Vehicle Taxes On Highways, Dozens Of Motorshitted

RIAU - The Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda) of Riau Province held an operation to control the tax on motorized vehicles or PKB. Dozens of motorbikes were caught operating in Selatpanjang, Meranti Islands Regency, Riau Province.

"This activity only provides education and appeals to the public. Those who have not or forget to pay taxes," said Riau Province Civil Servant (PPNS) investigator Indra Satria Lubis during an activity on Jalan Ahmad Yani, Tebingtinggi District, Riau Province, Monday 12 December, confiscated by Antara.

Indra said the operation, which was carried out on Monday, December 12, also involved the Department of Transportation, Satpol PP, the Meranti Islands Traffic Unit to the Bapenda Selatpanjang UPT as the holder of the territorial area.

Indra revealed that the vehicle targeted for operation is the one whose tax period is dead, be it two-wheeled or four-wheeled vehicles.

Namun, kali ini pihaknya tidak sampai melakukan penindakan. Tapi hanya sebatas mendata dan memberi imbauan kepada pengguna motor agar taat membayar pajak.

"Even those who find the tax dead, we collect data. Then we urge them to pay taxes," he said.

Indra explained that this activity was carried out in urban districts in Riau Province. After the Meranti Islands, it will be continued to other regencies.

He hopes that this activity will be a step to maximize efforts in pursuing local revenue (PAD).

On the same occasion, the Head of UPT Bapenda Selatpanjang Sudirman admitted, until now the level of public awareness is still low on taxes. Therefore, his party continues to carry out socialization, education and build door-to-door communication.

"We hope that the community can be aware of this. Because this tax from the community will return to society. Of course, it is used to build infrastructure, education and other urgent matters," said Sudirman.

He revealed that the Meranti Islands with geographical islands made his party have to work hard to get taxes.

In addition to passing through difficult terrain, they must also be willing to spend personal money to finance the cost of transportation crossing the sea so that they can go to a number of sub-districts.

"This is actually very heavy, the terrain of each district is different. I also hope that the leadership in the tax sector can provide convenience for us, so that we can access all sub-districts. Because our transportation costs are very high to cross to several sub-districts. Like it or not, I have to spend personal money," said Sudirman.

Even so, he admitted that raising public awareness was not easy, such as turning the palm of the hand. Everything takes time to change the mindset of citizens.

"That's why we continue to come to the community, finally they realized. We give an explanation that paying taxes is like this and (the function) is for this," he said.

There, he also provided an explanation regarding the rules contained in Article 74 of Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation (LLAJ). Where vehicles that have been tax-dead for two years, registration and vehicle identification data will be deleted.

"If you don't pay taxes for two years, these vehicles are considered bulging," said Sudirman.

It can also be conveyed that the PKB control activity which was carried out for 90 minutes, there were 56 two-wheeled motorcycles that were caught. With details of 30 local plate nopol and 26 outside plate nopol.