The DPRD Questioned BPHTB's Revenue In Kulon Progo Has Not Been Maximal Even Though YIA Airport Has Been Operating

YOGYAKARTA - Yogyakarta or YIA International Airport in Kulon Progo was inaugurated on August 28, 2020. However, the revenue fee for land and building rights (BPHTB) in the district of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) has not yet been optimal.

This was questioned by members of the Special Committee for Optimizing the Revenue of Land, Rural, and Urban Taxes (PBB-P2) of the Kulon Progo Regency DPRD Muji Harsa.

Based on data from the Regional Finance and Assets Agency (BKAD) Kulon Progo, Muji explained that there were 5,550 BPHTB transactions in 2019, 5,160 in 2020, 6,612 in 2021, and 4,902 in 2022 to November.

"The average transaction is stagnant at 5,000 in one year. Logically, with the airport the price of land has soared, the sale and purchase of land increases, especially with the perbup, the NJOP has increased 10 times. The transaction should increase, which means that the receipt of BPHTB has increased. But why is the BPHTB number stable," said Muji in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), Monday 12 December.

He said, Regional Regulation Number 9 of 2010 concerning BPHTB clearly regulates the procedure for how to calculate and pay BPHTB. But in reality, there are many obstacles in the Regional Finance and Assets Agency (BKAD) and the National Land Agency (BPN).

"If we think simply to optimize tax recipients, namely increasing the NJOP rate. However, the basis for calculating BPHTB must be clear. Many people are reluctant to pay BPHTB because of the variation of the basis for determining tax determination," he said.

According to him, BKAD determines the basis of tax rates by taking a definite and permanent basis. For example, the use of land value zones so that it will not cause public distrust.

"With the land value zone, it can be used very well in cooperation between BPN and BKAD," he said.

Chairman of the PBB-P2 Special Committee of the Kulon Progo DPRD, Nur Eny Rahayu, said that not every transaction is taken care of by BPHTB. "There are only transactions between sellers and buyers, there is no legality yet," he said.

He said the determination of the amount of tax based on the land value zone was only used by BPN.

"In the future it can be opened in general," he said.

Head of the Kulon Progo BKAD Eko Wisnu Wardhana said that since the areaization of the PBB-P2 in 2014, Kulon Progo has not made adjustments except in 2019 to 2020 so that land prices can rise due to two reasons, namely the existence of Yogyakarta International Airport or NJOP adjustments.

"We hope that the acceptance of BPHTB in Kulon Progo will continue to increase," he said.

However, the recipients of BPHTB are extremely just on guard and cannot be expected in full. This is influenced by the general public to take care of the PPAT. "We cannot confirm the BPHTB revenue figure," he said.