The 2022 Christmas Theme From KWI-PGI, Complete And Meaning

YOGYAKARTA The Christmas 2022 theme needs to be known to Christians who want to celebrate Christmas on December 25.

The Christmas 2022 theme has been determined by the Indonesian Bishops' Conference (KWI) with the Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI). Through this message, Christians are invited to interpret and practice it well.

Quoted by VOI from the official website of the Communion of Churches in Indonesia, Monday, December 12, 2022, the Christmas 2022 theme is taken from the book Matthew 2:12 which reads:

...Pulang Mereka ke Negerinya Melalui Jalan Lain

The theme contains the meaning of diversity is a gift from Allah that must be grateful, cared for, and developed. The diversity that we realize as a gift from God should encourage us to join hands in realizing a more dignified shared system of life.

By walking together we are able to recover faster, rise stronger:

Working together can produce extraordinary strength. Therefore, the spirit needs to be supported by mutual understanding, accepting, listening, and appreciating our traveling friends, namely all the citizens of our nation. We eliminate various negative thoughts and prejudices. We develop a culture of peaceful life and brothers.

Christmas 2022 messages from KWI and PGI

The following is the content of the 2022 Christmas message from KWI-PGI from the page.

Dear brothers and sisters,

Christmas celebrations always bring joy and peace to our lives, as Jesus came to free us from the shackles of sin. By him who was born in an animal's cage, died on the cross, and then rose from among the dead, we were reborn as a new creation and gained eternal life.

The wise people from the East with the help of stars came to worship Him and present gold,▁harapans, and nuts. After experiencing joy in this special encounter, the wise people returned to their country on another path as shown by God (bdk. Mat. 2:12). They were able to overcome the challenges, obstacles, and difficulties in their journey to find Jesus and after meeting Him they also dared to take a new path that was not necessarily easier than before.

The other path can also be understood spiritually. After meeting with Jesus, people no longer live life in old ways, but in new ways, become new humans. Thus, Christmas also invites us to find a new and creative way in spreading His love to others and all creations.

Dear brothers and sisters,

The wise people of the East who walked together to search for Jesus invited us to walk together too, in finding the will of Him who "lives between us (bdk.Yoh. 1:14) to uphold the Kingdom of His Love. As citizens of the nation and citizens of the Church, even though we are lying down - different religions, ethnic groups, groups, cultures we must always walk together so that in togetherness we are able to face various challenges and difficulties in life.

Diversity is a gift from Allah that must be grateful, cared for, and developed. The diversity that we realize as a gift from God should encourage us to join hands in realizing a more dignified common life system.

By walking together we are able to return faster, rise stronger: Resurface life from adversity in various fields due to the COVID-19 pandemic; build a civilization of love in the midst of strengthening acts of violence; knit harmony in the midst of the spread of intolerance; popularize an honest culture in the midst of the spread of corruption crimes; echo ecological anger in the midst of widespread environmental damage, and develop ethical political life ahead of the 2024 democratic party.

Working together can produce extraordinary strength. Therefore, that spirit needs to be supported by mutual understanding, accepting, listening, and appreciating our traveling friends, namely all the citizens of our nation. We eliminate various negative thoughts and prejudices. We develop a culture of peaceful life and brothers.

God's love can also be inherited with our willingness to become friends and friends for our brothers who are victims of sexual harassment, the circulation of illegal drugs, termination of employment, discrimination, natural disasters, and various other forms of injustice.

"God's love for those of us who attended this Christmas event called us to care for others who were suffering, because what we do for our brothers who are suffering or experiencing grief, we also do for Allah (bdk. Mat.

"Based on our steadfast faith and sincere love together, we can foster the hope and enthusiasm of our brothers and sisters to come back and fight for the dreams that may have been lost."

Dare to side with the victim is also a way of love that we need to take at this time, when there are still many people who are only spectators when you suffer, or deliberately close their eyes so that their lives are safe and comfortable.

Exemplarians who are moved by mercy to help victims of robbery (bdk. Luk.10:25-37) need to be revived and realized in our daily lives.

Dear brothers and sisters,

The presence of the true King who saved us must continue to be reported. Various advances in information and communication technology as a work of man should be used to glorify Allah by building a loving common life system. Social media as part of this progress offers interesting ways to explain God's love.

Let us write opinions, reflections, and sermons that are soothing and reconcile the hearts of many people. We upload photos about the beauty of living together in the midst of various differences or making short films that inspire people to care for others and the environment. We fill the public space with coolness and peace to disseminate the values of justice, equality, simplicity, and togetherness.

Let us also dare to fight hate speech and fake news that can damage the harmony of living together.

In the light of Christmas, we are invited to be wiser and smarter in social media, more creative in spreading love, more loyal in holding moral and ethical values in cyberspace, so that God's love is increasingly radiated and peace is more real.

The creative roads offered by social media should be used as a means of journalists so as to be able to mobilize many people to become ambassadors of love and pioneers of peace in the family, church, and community.

"Hopefully in welcoming and celebrating this Christmas Day, we really feel His love. Allah the Mostover is always with us, Imanuel, Allah is with us. He never leaves us in any circumstances (bdk. Ibra. 13:5). He also always looks after us so that our feet never falter (bdk. Mzm. 121:3) in finding creative ways so that the work of Allah's safety can be felt by as many people as possible.

"On behalf of the Indonesian Bishops' Conference (KWI) and the Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI), we wish you a Merry Christmas 2022 and a happy 2023 New Year."

God bless you!

This is information about the 2022 Christmas message and its meaning.