Demonstration In 1812, Police Prepare Traffic Flow Diversion Scheme

JAKARTA - The Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya has prepared a scheme to divert traffic flows around the State Palace. This diversion of traffic flow was in the aftermath of demonstrations by elements of society who were members of the National Anti-Communist Alliance (ANAK) NKRI.

The 1812 demonstration demanded the release of Rizieq Shihab, who is currently detained in connection with a case of violating health protocols.

Polda Metro Jaya Traffic Director Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo said that at least 12 roads will be diverted. But the application of this scheme is situational.

"Please avoid the area of the State Palace and Jalan MH. Thamrin," he said in his statement, Friday, December 18.

As for the traffic transfer scheme around the State Palace, among others, the traffic flow from Jalan Veteran Raya to Jalan Veteran Raya III is closed.

Then, vehicles from Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur heading for Jalan Medan Merdeka Utara turn right onto Jalan Perwira. Vehicles from Jalan Ridwan Rais to Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan are aligned to Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur

Illustration (Photo: Polda Metro Jaya)

Furthermore, the vehicle from Jalan MH Thamrin towards the Horse Statue is turning left and right onto Jalan Budi Kemulian. Vehicles from Jalan Abdul Muis to Jalan Budi Kem Mulia are redirected to Jalan Abdul Muis.

Meanwhile, the traffic flow from Jalan Abdul Muis to Jalan Museum will be closed.

Vehicles from Jalan Suryopranoto towards Jalan Juanda and Jalan Majapahit are diverted to Jalan Gajah Mada. Vehicles from Jalan Hayam Wuruk to Jalan Majahapit turn left onto Jalan Juanda.

Vehicles from Cathedral Street towards Jalan Veteran Raya are turning right onto Jalan Pos. Then, the vehicle from Jalan Abdul Muis heading towards Harmoni was closed and diverted onto Jalan Tanah Abang II.

The traffic flow from Jalan MH Thamrin towards the HI Roundabout was closed and it was turned onto Jalan KH Wahid Hasyim. Then, vehicles passing from Jalan KH Wahid Hasyim to the HI Roundabout were closed and straightened to Jalan KH Wahid Hasyim.

Finally, vehicles passing from Jalan H Agus Salim to Jalan Sunda are closed and straightened to Jalan H Agus Salim towards Sabang.