Specialist Doctor Salaries: Some Until Billions!

- Being an expert or specialist doctor is considered one of the most prestigious jobs loved by many people. If asked how much is the salary of specialist doctors? Let's find out here...

In general, the salary of expert doctors is relatively large when compared to the income of general practitioners or other jobs.

However, the amount of salary is also commensurate with the task that is carried out because it is directly related to human life.

Regarding the doctor's income, including an expert doctor, the nominal is even varied.

Some of the occupations of specialist doctors are estimated to have high income, such as psychiatrists, obstetricians, surgeons, and so on.

In comparison, general practitioners in a hospital can reach IDR 12 million to IDR 15 million.

Meanwhile, the salaries of expert doctors range from Rp. 20 to Rp. 45 million and do not include work service income, aka additional money.

Based on several sources, here are leaked salaries of specialists or specialists that you need to know.

Heart Specialist

Of the many specialist doctors, the profession of cardiologist is one of the most sought after in the world.

This is because heart disease is a deadly disease that is often suffered by humans, including in Indonesia.

The salary earned by a cardiologist is IDR 5 billion to IDR 6 billion.


Surgeons play an important role in dealing with internal organ disease, such as injuries, organ surgery in the body, surgery, and other emergency problems.

The importance of this job makes some people willing to pay expensive rates to always be healthy.

Meanwhile, the salary earned by the surgeon can reach Rp. 20 million to Rp. 45 million.

Peduli Specialist

Doctors and obstetricians have a great task and responsibility to maintain and determine the pregnant women and the children they contain are safe and healthy.

Not only that, obstetricians must be ready and alert to handle various problems related to the womb and about childbirth.

With this task, it is not surprising that the salary received is up to Rp. 25 million to Rp. 100 million.


Pediatrician works in a special field, namely providing offers to the little one, baby, and teenager.

The treatment carried out by a pediatrician includes diagnosis, infectious disease, general illness, minor injuries, and various other treatments.

For this task, the salary earned is at IDR 10 million to IDR 50 million per month.

How much does a specialist civil servant salary pay?

Salaries and allowances of civil servant doctors are equivalent to tariffs during his medical course lectures, namely one of the most expensive lecture courses compared to other majors, which could even reach hundreds of millions.

Generally, the details of salary or income for doctors who have become civil servants in general practitioners are the basic salary earned of around Rp. 2.4 million with a wife allowance of Rp. 245,670, child allowance of Rp. 49,134, rice allowance of Rp. 209,280, then food money for 22 working days amounting to Rp. 732,600, performance allowance of Rp. 2,535,000, so that the total number of civil servant doctors will be received is around Rp. 6,228,384 each month.

Of all, the salaries of civil servant doctors will be reduced by the IWP rate and the Taperum contribution of Rp. 281,150 per month, therefore the entire salary brought home by civil servant doctors is around Rp. 5,947,234.

All salaries received by general practitioners with civil servant status are IDR 5,947,234 per month, with the allowance of a wife of 10% of the basic salary. For a long time you have served, the higher your basic salary is. Children's allowance is 20% with a maximum number of children's dependents, namely 2 children.

However, the calculation is different for the position of an expert doctor or specialist with civil servant status. Specialist doctors have class III / b to IV / e with a salary ranging from Rp. 20 million to the highest in the range of Rp. 50 million. The average salary of civil servant doctors with specialist education gets a salary of around Rp. 20 or 30 million per month.

So after knowing the salary of specialist doctors, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!