Deddy Corbuzier Gets A Rank, Lt. Col. Tituler, Is It Mandatory To Follow The Morning Apples And Routinely Accept Salaries?

JAKARTA - Commission I of the DPR has warned Deddy Corbuzier not to be confused and even burden the state after being given the rank of Lt. Col. Tituler of the Indonesian Army by the Minister of Defense, Prabowo Subianto.

Member of Commission I of the DPR from the Golkar Faction, Bobby Adhityo Rizaldi, has no problem in granting the honorary title to civilians. However, he said, the Minister of Defense and Deddy Corbuzier must certainly fulfill their rights and obligations.

For example, related to military law. Whether Deddy is obliged to attend an apple, receive salary rights, and so on.

"Respectation for civil society by giving ranks is okay and possible, but it must be ensured that the rights and obligations are fulfilled by the awarder and the recipient," said Bobby, Monday, December 12.

Do not let, continued Bobby, the awarding of the rank will even burden the state and the recipients of the rank.

Is it true that military law binds recipients of titles like a mandatory apple every day? Has the right to receive salaries from the state? And so on. Don't even burden the country and its rank recipients," said the Golkar legislator.

Then regarding Deddy's duties as Lieutenant Colonel Situler to socialize defense issues. As a public figure active on social media and influential, Bobby alluded to the consequences of giving ranks. Whether, there will also be restrictions on activities and bound by military law.

"Because referring to PP 39 of 2010, recipients of the rank of tentular apply military law and military justice and are also required to carry out their duties as soldiers within the TNI," Bobby explained.

Meanwhile, Member of Commission I DPR RI NasDem Faction, Hillary Brigitta Lasut, assessed that the rules for granting the rank of Lieutenant Colonel Tituler were indeed allowed. However, he asked Deddy Corbuzier to understand the consequences of the given rank. "Of course behind it there are consequences, I hope that before receiving the rank of Lieutenant Colonel Tituler, Mas Deddy is aware and has already asked what the consequences will be after this," said Hillary.

Hillary reminded that the rank given would carry the name of the TNI institution. So he said, Deddy needed to know 8 mandatory TNIs, one of which was to maintain his attitude and honor in public.

"When he holds this rank, he must first know 8 mandatory TNIs. For example, always be an example of maintaining attitude and simplicity, being an example and pioneering efforts to overcome people's difficulties, maintaining honor in public. Meanwhile, the person concerned is an entertainment figure who of course will be very difficult to be like this," Hillary explained. Then, other responsibilities. Like whether the wife should join Persit or whether the wife is ready to take part in TNI activities that require closed clothes. Therefore, Hillary questioned Deddy's readiness and knowledge of the consequences of the rank she received. Don't get it," he said, Deddy was confused when holding the rank of Lieutenant Colonel Tituler.

"For the wife and family, it is also a question that of course, as long as Mr. Deddy is ready, it doesn't matter. But don't let the Bang Deddy be confused, because there are so many responsibilities of a TNI person who may not be known by civil society," said Hillary.