10 Thousand Joint Personnel Keeping The Kaesang-Erina Marriage, Jokowi Isnilai Tidak Merakyat

JAKARTA - Kaesang Pangarep and Erina Sofia Gudono officially married last weekend in Yogyakarta and Solo. More than 10 thousand joint officers were deployed to secure the marriage of President Joko Widodo's youngest son.

Political communication observer at Esa Unggul University, Jamiluddin Ritonga, assessed that the deployment of troops for marriage was unethical. According to him, the security gives the impression that this country, especially the Yogyakarta and Solo regions, is not safe.

"Even though the two regions are in a fine situation, there is even an impression that local residents seem to be happy to welcome Kaesang-Erina's happy day," said Jamiluddin, Monday, December 12. There are 10,800 joint personnel of the TN, Polri, Satpol PP and other agencies deployed to secure the marriage of Kaesang and Erina. The personnel are scattered at a number of points, both at the location of the marriage contract in Yogyakarta, as well as downloading mantu in Surakarta.

Jamiluddin assessed that the mobilization of more than 10,000 joint personnel to protect marriage was truly astonishing. Moreover, he said, the celebration was carried out by the president, who had been imaged as a simple and very populist figure.

"If it is really populist, there should not be that many security forces. Even if there is, it should only be for traffic control," he said.

Jamiluddin continued, the wedding ceremony for Jokowi's son should have been held as a populist, not even elitist and exceeding the royal wedding. The event, he said, was far from the impression that the people should mingle with state officials without a position barrier.

"This situation is not seen in Kaesang-Erina's marriage. It is difficult to see the situation of society as shown by Jokowi so far," he concluded.