One Million Workers Who Have NOT DISbursed BSU Until Now, Longed Until December 20

JAKARTA - PT Pos Indonesia reminds residents entitled to receive Wage Subsidy Assistance (BSU) from immediately disbursing at the post office before the December 20, 2022. Finance Services Business Director PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Haris said the government through the Ministry of Manpower (Kemenaker) provided BSU of Rp600 thousand to income workers under Rp3.5 million to maintain people's purchasing power to maintain economic growth. until the end of November 2022, he continued, through a written statement in Jakarta, Sunday, December 11, 11.6 million workers had received BSU distributed through Bank HIMBARA, Bank Syariah Indonesia, and Kantor. "The remaining 1 million workers who meet the requirements, but have not taken BSU funds. We urge workers who have not disbursed BSU funds to immediately come to the post office before December 20, 2022," he said. According to Haris, the Ministry of Manpower's policy is collaborating with PT Pos Indonesia to distribute BSU this year through the Post Office aimed at facilitating workers who have been touched by banking services. PT Pos Indonesia received BSU recipient allocations from the Ministry of Manpower as many as 3.6 million workers.

In distributing BSU, he added, PT Pos Indonesia implemented three patterns, namely BSU recipients coming directly to the nearest Post Office. Second, through the community, namely disbursement is carried out collectively in a certain company or place appointed by PT Pos Indonesia, or delivered directly to the recipient if the BSU recipient is sick. Haris emphasized that workers are required to actively check whether they are registered to receive BSU through the Ministry of Manpower website, BPJS Employment, or through the Pospay application owned by PT Pos Indonesia.