Ministry Of Religion Tightens Charity Box Rules Because It Is Suspected That Some Are Used For Terrorist Funding

JAKARTA - Director General of Islamic Guidance and Guidance, Kamaruddin Amin, said that his party would tighten monitoring of zakat and infaq as a charity box was used to raise terrorist funds.

"So, we will tighten up on the one hand and will evaluate the amil zakat institutions proven to misuse their zakat distribution," Amin said as quoted by Antara, Thursday, December 17.

He said the Ministry of Religion would discuss the charity box that was misused to finance terrorism. Later there will be a comprehensive evaluation of the amil zakat institution (LAZ).

The Director General of Islamic Community Guidance said that his party will also discuss the possibility of sanctions against amil zakat institutions that misuse zakat funds, such as revoking LAZ's operating license.

"We will give sanctions, we revoke the permit. The rules for the charity box, we can tighten the supervision, we can make new regulations, we evaluate them comprehensively," he said.

Director of Islamic Religious Affairs and Sharia Guidance, Agus Salim, said that the tightening of zakat institutions is necessary due to the abuse of the charity box, especially towards the fasting month.

"Ahead of the fasting month, zakat institutions are everywhere offering good programs. Our method sometimes loses, sometimes the collectors come from nowhere. The rules are not too loose, we don't let the people's funds be used for activities that are not too loose. detrimental to Muslims, "he said.

Previously, the National Police found charity boxes in supermarkets that were misused by Jemaah Islamiyah for the purpose of terrorism.