PLN Prepare 31,500 Personnel To Care For The Electricity System Ahead Of Nataru

JAKARTA - Ahead of the 2022 Christmas Celebration and 2023 New Year (Nataru), PT PLN (Persero) ensures that the national electricity supply for the community is in a reliable condition.

It is known that PLN has alerted 31,500 personnel who will secure security priority places such as houses of worship, health facilities, and government offices.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo explained, PLN ensures that the electricity supply for Christmas and New Year celebrations this year is sufficient.

The reliability of PLN's current system can ensure that people can enjoy their holidays and Christmas in peace and security.

"Towards the Nataru holiday, we PLN understand that all people want to enjoy holidays calmly and safely. We PLN are ready to supply reliable electricity to the public," Darmawan told the media, Saturday, December 10.

Darmawan explained, the total power capable is 42,783 MW, while the national peak load reaches 38,237 MW. PLN ensures that it can electrify all needs of the community.

"Currently, PLN has a power reserve of 4,546 MW. PLN ensures that services to the community are agile and safe," said Darmawan.

Darmawan added that PLN in particular will prioritize reliable electricity supply in areas such as Papua, Maluku, East Nusa Tenggara, North Sulawesi and North Sumatra.

In addition to electricity supply, specifically in priority areas such as churches, hospitals, government offices and tourist destination points, PLN has prepared electricity support infrastructure. PLN has alerted 2,665 additional infrastructure units in the form of Genset, Mobile Substation Unit (UGB) and Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS).

"This additional infrastructure is ready to become a supply reserve when electricity in priority places occurs," said Darmawan.

PLN has also alerted 2,331 Nataru Alert Posts throughout Indonesia located at vital points and centers of public crowds and PLN offices.

The Nataru Alert Post is ready to serve 24 hours of customer electricity service needs.

Darmawan appealed to the public to be vigilant in the rainy season because extreme weather conditions have the potential to cause electrical disturbances.

He added that people who want to travel out of town can secure their respective homes' electricity by turning off the electricity connection and also ensuring that all electronic goods are turned off.

People who need electricity services or complaints about electrical disturbances at this time also don't have to bother coming to the PLN office, because everything can be accessed through PLN Mobile SuperApp.