Judging By The Effectiveness Of The White Concrete Medicine For Baby 0-6 Months

YOGYAKARTA Bawang mutiah is a kitchen material that is believed to have many health benefits. One example is garlic cough medicine for babies 0-6 months. So, is that true?

Quoted by VOI from Healthline, in one sugar (3 grams) of garlic is contained:

Please note, the daily value percentage is the percentage of the amount of nutrients when compared to a person's needs in a day. For example, 12 percent daily value, means the food meets 12 percent of your nutritional needs in a day.

In addition to containing a number of important nutrients for the body, the garlic also contains allicin which has strong antibacterial power. Allicin can damage the walls of bacterial cells and also inhibit RNA synthesis. This also applies to bacteria or viruses that cause flu and cough.

However, is garlic effective if it is used as a cough medicine for babies aged 0-6 months?

Judging by the Effectiveness of the White Concrete Medicine for Baby 0-6 Months

Quoted from the Klikdokter page, Pediatrician, Reza Fahlevi said, until now, there has been no strong evidence regarding the benefits of garlic to eliminate phlegm in babies.

Even so, parents may introduce garlic to their children when the baby is 6 months old by slowly giving garlic in small portions.

Doctor Arina Heidyana added that the best food for babies aged 0-6 months is breast milk. So, parents should focus on fulfilling the breast milk that their little ones need at that age.

Arina appealed to every parent not to carelessly give medicine, especially for babies 0-6 months. Then, avoid trying out prescriptions for home medicine or paison of garlic to deal with colds and cough babies that have not been proven safe and effective in medical.

If garlic is attached directly to the skin, this can cause the baby's skin to be irritated, black, and appear like burns. This is because the sulfur content in onions is strong enough cannot be received directly by the baby's skin," explained dr. Arina.

How to Overcome relates to Safe Baby

Adapted from Healthline, here are some tips for eliminating coughs in babies that you can do at home:

Keeping your baby hydrated is the key to keeping its mucus flowing and coughing easily. If your baby is dehydrated, joining him and other secretions may dry up and find it difficult to clean with coughs.

Most complaints of nasal congestion in babies can be overcome by injecting 0.9% Nacl liquid. This solution can moisturize the baby's nasal cavity, so that the airway becomes smoother.

The trick is to add it, put your baby in a supine position, it can be blocked by a pillow. Then drop 2-3 drops of copy solution on the stuffy side of the nose. Keep the baby in a supine position for 30-60 seconds.

You can also try to suck mucus from your baby's nose before it reaches and irritates the throat and airways.

After injecting Nacl liquid, take a spuit and squeeze to push the air out. While still pressing it, put a quarter to half an inch into your baby's nostrils, make sure to point back or side of the nose.

Put pressure on to allow the syringe to suck the mucus out, and remove it for cleaning before it's repeated on the other side.

Wet air can help dilute phlegm in the baby's throat. To moisturize the room, you can turn on the humidifier water.

Don't forget to clean up the humidifier water regularly so that the fungus doesn't grow in it. Rooms with dirty air can actually make more phlegm.

This is information about the effectiveness of garlic cough medicine for babies 0-6 months. Hopefully it will be useful!