Riau BBKSDA Mitigation Reports Of Residents Who Are Dead Allegedly Mandated By Tigers

RIAU - Head of the Riau Natural Resources Conservation Center (BBKSDA) Genman Suhefti Hasibuan said the Riau BBKSDA Region I Team mitigated the conflict between Sumatran tigers in Lubuk Raja Village, Bandar Petalan District, Pelalawan, Riau."This team came down after it received a report from the local government. The team went down Monday," said Genman, Antara, Friday, December 9.He explained that the team that arrived at the location immediately coordinated with the Lubuk Raja village head and met Sami, a witness at the scene.Based on Sami's statement, said Genman, it is suspected that his livestock was eaten by tigers when checking the cattle herders tied to the gardens of the palm oil company PT Serikat Putra.Until arriving at the location, Sami did not find the cows, so he searched around the location. As a result, after walking 9 meters, the witness saw their cattle and buffalo were dead."Witness Sami saw a dead cow with the buttocks or tail like being eaten by wild animals. Sami also checked around the location and found traces of animals suspected of being Sumatran tigers. Then, reported the findings to the company," he said.This witness also conveyed the findings to the Lubuk Raja Village Head. Then the report was forwarded to the Regional I officers. After coordinating with the local authorities, the team together with the village government, bhabinkamtibmas and residents and accompanied by PT Serikat Putra carried out a check at the place where the cows were found, but the carcasses had been buried."At the scene of the incident the team found traces of Sumatran tigers, but it was a bit unclear because they were exposed to rain. Based on observations of officers in the nearest forest area around the location, the team confirmed that the location was a forested area called a local resident as a "Hutan Sarigang forest", he said.He explained that the Sialang Roundabout Forest covers an area of more than 15 hectares, 28 km over SM Kerumutan. Meanwhile, local residents said three goats belonging to company employees were also missing, but did not know the cause.After coordinating with residents, officers also appealed to the company to install camera traps to ensure that animals appear around the location."At the end of the team mitigation activity, the company urged companies to install camera traps and appeal boards related to wildlife. Then urge companies and villagers to be careful and vigilant, and not anarchic on wildlife and immediately cage livestock," said Genman.