Again Join Mangkujiwo 2, Yasamin Jasem Faced With Tikus And Blood

JAKARTA - Yasamin Jasem has rejoined Mangkujiwo 2. Still with the character Uma, Yasamin feels that there is maturity as well as challenges faced in the sequel.

In Mangkujiwo pertama, Uma itu belum mendapat semua jawab yang dibutuhin, dia masih mencari. Tapi bisa berkembang dan beruntung di sini Uma mendapat teman Marthino Lio yang berperan sebagai Rimba, cerita Yasamin Jasem dalam konferensi pers Mangkujiwo 2 pada hari ini, Jumat, 9 Desember.

Undgan membocorkan ceritanya, Yasamin Jasem mengaku ada banyak tantangan yang ia mengalami. Dalam trailer yang dirilis pada hari yang sama, karakter Uma terlihat memegang rat dan tertutup dan darah.

Still continuing from Mangkujiwo the first time, there will be rats. But there are handlers there, and the rats are very friendly, so the mice can be put in place and acting on the streets according to the needs of the camera," he explained.

"It's cute, because I've never held a mouse, but there I hold on to the aftermath. This is genuine to be held, and it turns out that the rat is good, calm so we don't panic too much," continued Yasamin.

Mangkujiwo 2, which looks more sadistic, shows Uma covered in blood. Yasamin Jasem also confirmed that there are many types of blood used for this film.

"There is blood that needs effects to dry it so there are a lot of blood effects used here and indeed a lot of them can go on. Especially in the scene in the trailer, there are many blood scenes whose shots are interesting," said Yasamin Jasem.

"It didn't take much time, what I said earlier. It's just that the massacre was covered in blood and if there was one (scene) that missed, we had to repeat it from the start and remove blood from the walls from the clothes on the makeup," said the 18-year-old actress.

Therefore, each character provides two to three clothes for character purposes. In addition, they are on guard so as not to repeat scenes that require many blood effects.

"So there are many clothes that are worn by this character, there are two there are three because one must be replaced, one for example is necessary. So many clothes are worn because there is a lot of blood," said Yasamin Jasem.

Yasamin Jasem plays Uma. In the first film, Uma is a hotel employee who accidentally witnessed a murder. His adventure also continues in Mangkujiwo 2 which will air starting January 26, 2023 in Indonesian cinemas.