Next Year, Bansos In Jakarta Will Be Replaced By BLT, But The Number Of Recipients Is Decreasing

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI, Ahmad Riza Patria, said that social assistance for residents affected by the pandemic in Jakarta will be changed to a cash direct assistance (BLT) scheme.

It's just that the number of BLT recipients starting early next year will be reduced because some of the residents' economies are back on track. Currently, the reduction in the number of BLT recipients in the capital is still being reviewed.

"The number of recipients is still being checked again. There is a possibility that the number will decrease because there are already many Jakarta residents who can return to work," said Riza at the City Hall of DKI, Central Jakarta, Thursday, December 17.

Previously, there were 2.45 million families who received basic food assistance, the distribution of which was divided between the central government and the DKI Provincial Government. The BLT distribution also had the same distribution scheme, except that there was a reduction in the number of recipients.

"It will be divided, which regions will be given assistance from the center, and which from the DKI Provincial Government. However, the policies and forms are the same," said Riza.

So far, DKI residents whose economies have been affected by COVID-19 have received social assistance in the form of basic food and household needs.

However, recently the DKI Provincial Government and the Coordinating Minister for Cultural Human Development (PMK) Muhadjir Effendy as the Minister of Social Affairs agreed to change the social assistance scheme for Jakarta residents.

The amount of BLT to affected residents will be Rp. 300 thousand. BLT is given monthly for the next six months, starting in January 2021. The BLT will be deposited through Bank DKI and PT Pos.

The change in assistance with the BLT scheme was decided after the KPK appointed the non-active Social Minister Juliari Batubara to be a corruption suspect some time ago.

According to Riza, it is hoped that the provision of cash assistance will support the needs of the community by spending at local stalls. So, it can move the economic conditions of other residents.

In addition, the provision of BLT, according to Riza, also provides assurance that assistance for residents affected by COVID-19 does not experience a reduction in rights. Given, there is a crisis of trust from residents due to the social assistance corruption case by the inactive Minister of Social Affairs Juliari.

"It has become a policy after weighing it with various considerations. It is better if cash social assistance is given so that the first time people get their full rights, it does not decrease," he said.