Accelerate The Welfare Of Village Residents, DecENTER Birth Of Indonesian Private Economic Institutions

JAKARTA - DeCENTER institutions that incorporate the community of villagers continue to be determined to help the government's program in the welfare of the village community. This step is carried out through the role of the private sector.

Because so far, any development of the village has always been an object. So it tends to be static because it doesn't want to involve the villagers, even in practical political areas, the village community is only involved as a voter.

"That's why when the potential for natural resources (SDA) does not yet have justice and there is still inequality, and most of them are still controlled by oligarchs, making the village itself helpless and villagers more marginalized," explained the deCENTER chairman, Samsul Hadi when giving a speech at the launch of the Indonesian Private Economic Institute (LESI), at the deCENTER office, in Blok M, Jakarta, Thursday, December 8.

Until now, the number of villages throughout Indonesia is around 74,957 and 8,974 urban villages. Most of Indonesia's population lives and earns a living in the village. It is not strange if welfare problems occur there, ranging from the issue of poverty, education to backwardness.

And the fact is, since Indonesia's independence, rural communities have always been inferior to urban communities in terms of participation in development, socio-economic inequality, access to education and health and injustice.

"And so far, decENTERS have been here to help overcome problems in the village," continued Samsul, who is also the Chairman of the Nawacita Study Institute (LKN).

He further emphasized that the basic problem of the village is that it has never won itself. His status is always backward and less advanced. Even though the village is a great strength with the largest Indonesian population in the village.

In addition, the professions of the majority of Indonesia's population such as farmers, fishermen, plantations, breeders are also scattered in the village. Unfortunately, the village is only used as a tool as a field for voters in political contestation, be it the presidential election, Pilkada, and even the Pilkades itself.

Birth LESI

To help realize the welfare of the village community, the role of the private sector must also be involved. Because so far the government's budget, both through the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) and the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) is very limited, so that these private funds are very necessary so that they can roll around in the midst of society.

Moreover, said Samsul, this step is also in line with the DecCENTER Visions. The deCENTER vision, namely Desa, is Kita. While its mission is to realize productive living procedures by empowering the community to gain jobs.

"This decENTER is a forum for the struggle of the village community to create a better Indonesia. A better Indonesia is Indonesia that is prosperous, just, democratic, and humanist," he said.

However, this is not enough. Need more concrete steps and concrete concrete actions.

"Therefore, on that basis, a number of individuals here who have more attention to villagers have decided to form a community forum for villagers throughout the archipelago by establishing an Indonesian Private Economic Institute. This LESI is the center of activities for villagers throughout the archipelago based on digital. The goal is to win the struggle of the villagers for Indonesia," explained Samsul.

In practice, LESI itself will later have a portal or application that can be accessed in all village requirements based on its territory, from provinces, districts/cities, sub-districts, and even villages. Through a website that is connected to the data of the deceased, all people can offer economic empowerment programs according to their needs.

After being properly studied, LESI will provide loans or even donations to the community to be used as business capital in the area.

"LESI will also be able to provide training, assistance, and continue to supervise so that the funds can be used as well as possible," he said.

However, Samsul himself underlined, in practice later, LESI will stick to all the rules and laws that apply in Indonesia, even in accordance with global regulations. This needs to be followed, because later it will not rule out the possibility that LESI traders themselves are global financial institutions or investors.

One of the LESI Management Teams, Rhonald revealed, in addition to making loans or donations, the LESI application or website can also act as a marketplace. So there will be a meeting room between the seller and the buyer.

"For example, there are people who have businesses for goat or cow breeders who want to market their products, LESI can facilitate and be met with buyers. And that's all through one website. Because the LESI website is technologyd with other community websites, such as the farmer community, farmers, plantations, and professions in other villages," explained Ronald.

As for the system that manages funds and distributes them to the public, they call it Bank Equity Digital.

"Funds that are managed and used for the welfare of the community are private funds. And villagers only need to apply for the program and we provide the funds," concluded Ronald.