Bareskrim Has Not Investigated Allegations Of Ismail Bolong Illegal Mining Bribe

The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police stated that it had not investigated the alleged bribery from Ismail Bolong to several high-ranking Bhayangkara Corps officials. This is because the investigation that is currently rolling is still around the management of illegal mines in East Kalimantan.

"There is no (investigation regarding the alleged bribery, ed)," said Ismail Bolong's lawyer, Johannes Tobing to VOI, Friday, December 9.

So far, the investigation carried out by Bareskrim is still related to the alleged illegal management of coal mines. In that case, Ismail Bolong was named a suspect and detained.

"So this perforated ismail was detained because it was purely in a case about illegal mining," he said.

On the other hand, Johannes emphasized that his client had never bribed high-ranking police officers for coal mining management permits, including Kabareskrim, Komjen Agus Andrianto.

"There is no giving of bribes from the results of this mine to any of the National Police officials," said Johannes.

In the case of alleged illegal mining management, Ismail Bolong is said to have regulated illegal mining activities within the Coal Mining Concession Work Agreement or PKP2B owned by PT Santan Batubara (SB).

"IB plays a role in regulating a series of illegal mining activities within other company PKP2B and serves as Commissioner of PT EMP who does not have a mining business license to carry out mining activities," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Division Kombes Nurul Azizah.

Meanwhile, Ismail Bolong's alleged bribery began with the emergence of an investigation report (LHP) with the number R/1253/WAS.2.4/2022/IV/DIVPROPAM, April 7, 2022.

In the document, there is the name of Komjen Agus Andrianto who is said to have accepted bribes.

At the LHP submitted by the Head of the National Police's Propam Division at that time, Ferdy Sambo to the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, it was written that Aiptu Ismail Bolong gave coordination money to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police to be handed over to Kombes BH as Head of Sub-Directorate V Dittipidter 3 times, namely October, November and December 2021 amounting to IDR 3 billion every month to be distributed at the Dittipidter Bareskrim.

In addition, he also gave coordination money to Komjen Agus Andrianto as the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police directly in the Kabareskrim office in USD 3 times, namely October, November and December 2021, amounting to IDR 2 billion.

Meanwhile, in the alleged illegal mining management case, Ismail Bolong has been named a suspect and detained. He was charged with Article 158, Article 159 and Article 161 of Law Number 3 of 2020 concerning Mineral, Mineral and Coal.