The Head Of FPI In Deli Serdang, Suspect Of Insulting Jokowi-Mega, Taken By Police To Be Detained After Obliged To Report

MEDAN - Subdit V Cybercrime Team, Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimsus) North Sumatra Regional Police again arrested the Head of FPI, Galang District, Deli Serdang Regency, Welly Putra (33).

Welly had previously been arrested but was only subject to compulsory reporting. He became a suspect in hate speech because he uploaded a photo of Megawati Soekarnoputri holding Jokowi which was illustrated as a baby.

Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Regional Police, Kombes Tatan Dirsan Atmaja, confirmed that Welly was arrested. The suspect was arrested on Saturday, December 12th.

"Based on sufficient evidence as well as to accelerate the investigation process and special consideration in which the case is of concern to the public. Then the investigator detains. Right now, the person concerned has been included in the RTP of the North Sumatra Police Dit Tahti," said Tatan, Thursday 17. December.

On Wednesday, October 25, Welly was arrested at his residence in Dusun III Nusa Indah, Sei Karang Village, Galang Deli Serdang Subdistrict, along with evidence of his cellphone and ID card.

"So that after the arrest and confiscation of the evidence, with the consideration of the legal professionalism of the perpetrator, he will be sent home on the guarantee of his family while looking for evidence of expert statements in this case," he explained.

In the investigation, based on the print out of Welly's Facebook account screenshots, it was explained that the elements of distributing and or transmitting and / or making electronic information and electronic documents accessible were fulfilled.

Meanwhile, the image that shows Megawati holding a baby with Jokowi's face iconically is classified as an insult to the authorities because the object of the picture is understood by Jokowi to be a subordinate civilized in Megawati's shadow.

"Indirectly, the imagery conveys the message that as a leader President Jokowi is not independent and tends to be under the control of Megawati's mother. This is categorized as an insult to the head of state, namely the President of the Republic of Indonesia," explained Kombes Tatan.

Welly was charged under Article 45 Paragraph (3) Yo Article 27 Paragraph (3) of the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 19 of 2019 Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia No.11 of 2008 concerning Information and transactions and electronic transactions and / or Article 310 of the Criminal Code Yo Article 316 of the Criminal Code and / or Article 207 of the Criminal Code.