Andi Irfan Jaya Already Expected His Meeting With Joko Tjandra To End Problems

JAKARTA - A former NasDem politician, Andi Irfan Jaya, threw away his cellphone at Losari beach, Makassar, shortly after meeting Joko Tjandra. This was done so that the meeting was not known by many people.

This reason was revealed when Andi Irfan Jaya became a witness in the trial of the alleged gratification of the Supreme Court (MA) fatwa arrangement and the bribery for the removal of red notice for the accused Joko Tjandra.

At first, the public prosecutor (JPU) questioned why Andi Irfan Jaya tried to hide the meeting by throwing away his cellphone. Andi Irfan is sure that the meeting will only be a big problem.

"What made the witness afraid so that he had to hide or did not want to find out that the witness had been there?" Asked the prosecutor.

"Because the news of the meetings became a problem, sir," replied Andi Irfan Jaya.

The prosecutor again questioned why Andi Irfan Jaya should be afraid. Yet based on his narrative, during the meeting he did not hear anything. Including the action plan that is the problem.

"That's why I first asked the witness to hear all the talk. Only the story of the defendant Joko Tjandra building in Malaysia, all kinds of business. Well, it's just like that. What went wrong in the meeting and made you afraid?" Said the prosecutor.

Andi Irfan Jaya said his fear was felt when he got the summons for examination. In addition, his premonition regarding the meeting with Joko Tjandra was a problem.

"So, sir, when I was examined, I realized that if this problem continues then this will one day become a polemic," he said.

"I had a choice at that time to say that I was wrong but it would be even more wrong if I lied," continued Andi Irfan Jaya.

Hearing this statement, the prosecutor repeated his question about what happened at the meeting. Because Andi Irfan Jaya seemed afraid that the meeting would be discovered by others.

Andi Irfan Jaya said that there was indeed a discussion regarding the problems experienced by Joko Tjandra. But he admits that he doesn't remember for sure.

"If Mrs. Anita said she had conveyed what was discussing the problem of Pak Joko, but in my memory it was not saved and even if it was discussed I did not understand," he said.

In the previous trial, Andi Irfan admitted to throwing his cell phone to Losari beach, Makassar because he took a photo with the convict "cessie" Bank Bali Joko Tjandra in Kuala Lumpur.

"In Kuala Lumpur I used my 'cellphone' to take photos in Pak Jochan's (Joko Tjandra) workspace, a few months later I changed my cellphone but I transferred the photos to a new cellphone and there was an uproar in the news last July. panicked so I spontaneously threw it away, "said Andi Irfan Jaya, Monday, December 7.

Andi Irfan became a witness for the defendant, the former Head of Monitoring and Evaluation Section II of the Planning Bureau of the Deputy Attorney General for the Development of the Attorney General's Office, Pinangki Sirna Malasari.

In the indictment, Pinangki, Andi Irfan Jaya and advocate Anita Kolopaking met with Djoko Tjandra on November 25, 2019 at The Exchange 106 building Kuala Lumpur. The discarded Iphone 8 series brand is black.

"Nobody told me, but I panicked because there were photos, even though I had replaced the cellphone for the photo in Kuala Lumpur," said Andi Irfan.

Andi Irfan also admitted that he had no more "whatsapp" conversations with Joko Tjandra on the cellphone he threw away.

"Unlike the cellphone, the first cellphone had too many data, so it was damaged, but I transferred several photos to the new cellphone, including the one on The Exchange 106," added Andi Irfan.