MUI Asks FPI Not To Demonstrate To Free Rizieq Shihab During The COVID-19 Pandemic

JAKARTA - The board of the Indonesian Ulama Council (DPP MUI) has asked the mass organizations of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) not to rally to demand the release of Rizieq Shihab in front of the Merdeka Palace, Central Jakarta, because of the COVID-19 pandemic situation.

"I urge all parties to refrain from the crowd. Because the demonstration cannot protect themselves from the crowd that has the potential to catch COVID-19," said Secretary General of the MUI, Amirsyah Tambunan, in his statement, in Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Thursday, December 17.

According to him, the FPI masses could do other ways to convey demands regarding Rizieq Shihab's release and to thoroughly investigate Rizieq's six bodyguards who died.

Amirsyah said that Rizieq's followers had to consider ethics for street demonstrations due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The action plan to go to the field carried out by FPI must be more ethical, considering that the pandemic and COVID-19 situation is getting higher," said Amirsyah.

Amirsyah advised FPI to send demands through social media or official letters to the intended institutions and comply with the rules because Indonesia is a rule of law.

In fact, Amirsyah stated that FPI leaders can stay in touch with certain parties by implementing health protocols.

Previously, information circulated about plans for several mass organizations, including the 212 Alumni Brotherhood (PA), FPI, and the National Ulama Fatwa Guard Movement (GNPF) to hold an action at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Friday, December 18.

Protesters will submit demands for Rizieq Shihab's release and thoroughly investigate the death of six of Rizieq's bodyguards.