Nusantara Regas And Pelindo Energi Logistics MOU For Land Bases Business Development LNG Supply Point In The Tanjung Priok Region

JAKARTA - PT Nusantara Regas (NR) as a subsidiary of Pertamina Gas Subholding and PT Pelindo Energi Logistik (PEL) signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) in collaboration with Land Bases LNG Supply Point Business Development in the Tanjung Priok Region and other areas. This collaboration includes the development of LNG distribution business for industrial/retail and shipping needs, with Land Based Supply Point in the Tanjung Priok area.

Harry Budi Sidharta, President Director of Nusantara Regas, said that the need for the provision of LNG for Industry will continue to grow to 1 MMBTUD in the early stages. This is also in line with applicable regulations regarding limiting ship exhaust emissions and the opening of industrial areas on the island of Java, so the provision of a regasification terminal and LNG Filling Station will be very important.

"Currently, the demand for ship fuel up to 6000 M3 per week is equivalent to 1 cargo per year. The demand will continue to increase with the increasing number of LNG-fueled ships to those that dock to Tanjung Priok. As an illustration to date, NR has carried out efforts to provide gas from regasification up to 240 MMBTUD and will increase to 295 BBTUD," Harry explained, in his statement, Thursday, December 8.

Harry explained that the entry of LNG-fueled ships to the Tanjung Priok terminal and other terminals will open up space for development for companies in the ship's bunker fuel supply business.

Wayan Mega Budiatha Plt. The President Director of PEL, said that the NR-PEL collaboration is the synergy between the BUMN energy and logistics sectors for the provision of more affordable clean energy.

The signing of the MOU was attended by Prasetyo, Director of Strategy of Pelindo, Hanny Uktolseya Group Head of Pelindo's Business Development and Cooperation, Board of Directors and Management of PT Nusantara Regas. This MOU is expected to support Indonesia's plan to achieve Net Zero Emission by 2050, which requires LNG as intermediate fuel.

"The challenges and efforts to provide LNG for needs in the West Java region in the future are very interesting. Given the increasing need. This situation is a challenge for companies to seize existing business opportunities, so they continue to actively cooperate with potential parties for future business development," concluded Harry.