Getting To Know The Traditional Semaan Al-Quran That Becomes The Opening Of The Kaesang Marriage Ceremony

YOGYAKARTA Kaesang Pangarep's wedding with Erina Gudono began to be held at the residence of Erina's parents, Purwosari area, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The series of marriages between the two opened with a tradition of samanan Al-Quran which was held today, Thursday 8 December at 12.00 WIB.

As is known, the greeting of the Koran is indeed a part of the tradition that is held in important events, one of which is marriage. This tradition is carried out by Muslim communities, especially on the island of Java. Then what is the tradition of the semaran Al-Quran?

literally, the tradition of semaran Al-Quran means the tradition of listening to the Koran. The word Semaman itself comes from the word "silak" or listen. While the Koran is a holy book of Muslims which is used as a basis for life and religion.

On the official PCNU Cilacap website, it is said that the semamaan (simaan) of the Koran is a tradition of reading, listening, and listening to the reading of verses of the Koran. Semaan or symaan is also synonymous with the word in Arabic, namely samia. istamaa, yastamiu.

There is no scientific explanation regarding when this tradition began. However, citing from the website, it started around 1990. One of the pioneers of this same tradition is KH Chamim Djazuli or also known as Gus Miek. He is a scholar from Kediri, East Java.

The tradition of eating the Koran is also very thick among the people of Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaan (Aswaja). No wonder the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Islamic boarding school is one of the religious organizations that popularizes this tradition.

Referring to the article entitled Living Qur'an; Study of Traditional Semantan Al-Qur'an Cases in Ngrukem Village Mlarak Ponorogo written by Mohammad Najib Fatkhulloh, semahan can be done in several ways, namely as follows.

Sequentially, the community often does the Koran. This moment is usually followed by several people. One of them will read the Koran in a way released, while the other will listen. Al-Quran readers are carried out alternately, starting from juz 1 to juz 30.

Semaan ini a little different karena dilakukan secara serentak dan dibaca dalam waktu bersamaan. Misalnya, dalam satu majelis seman ada 30 orang. Masing-masing orang akan membaca 1 juz Alquran. Setelah terbagi rata, pembacaan akan dilakukan secara serentak sesuai dengan pelah dan serving masing-masing. Semaan jenis ini memiliki nama lain seperti khatmul barqi dan khataman kelapan.

As mentioned earlier, the first procession of Kaesang and Erina's marriage, one of which was in the form of the Koran.

Basically, the tradition of samanan Al-Quran is often carried out in various important events such as weddings, thanksgiving, or other big holidays. Usually the same event is accompanied by dzik-tahlil and alms.

For the Islamic community, this season can be done in various ways and can be done at any time. However, this event is not mandatory.

Semaan Al-Quran ini digelar dengan tujuan untuk mendapat pembajalan. Selain itu dengan dilakukannya semamaan, diharapkan pemilik acara mendapat keberberkahan dan kelancaran dari Allah SWT.

That is information related to the tradition of eating the Koran. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.