What Is A Position Auction In The World Of Civil Servants: Here Are The Definitions And Basics Of The Law

YOGYAKARTA - Talking about what kind of auction position seems to be not very familiar in the ears of the Indonesian people. So far, we know that the word auction is an item or project. Bureaucratic reform is a new breakthrough in the world of bureaucracy carried out by the government in creating accountable apparatus and has requirements for competence and work performance.

One of them is through the auction of this open position or selection. Auction of positions or selection and promotion of public positions openly is a mechanism method that is implemented in implementing the appointment of civil servants (PNS) in a structural position carried out according to the principles of professionalism.

This system is indeed effective in attracting ideal internal employees to fill positions in the government structure. Employees who feel challenged will most likely have a high effort and willingness to excel. Even though an employee has only been in the profession for a few years but has the ability to lead a sub-district or sub-district, why not?

Meanwhile, another motivation is of course a goal from this system, namely finding the best cadres in an internal environment that will be desired can make a bureaucracy that is able to serve the community or leaders who serve (serve the minister).

Basically, the auction of positions or often referred to as job tender is not new in the perspective of public administration. In the New Public Management (NPM) concept, job auctions have been submitted and practiced in Western countries, with different terms.

The goal is to choose apparatus that has sufficient capacity, competence and integrity to fill certain positions/positions so that they can carry out tasks that are more targeted and efficient. Auction of positions, namely the catalyst for the creation of good governance within the government which will be able to reduce the potential for corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN).

This is because the recruitment of positions is carried out transparently, using certain indicators and carried out by parties who are neutral and competent to carry out the selection.

This method will be one of the levers of the success of bureaucratic reform starting at the central or regional levels. The mechanism for the auction of positions is able to prevent the politicization of the bureaucracy, or the attitude of leaders who choose officials with the capital to inundate and do not inundate according to the subjection in choosing.

The public stigma that civil servants are a comfort zone must be changed to a competitive zone so that a healthy competition is created among employees. And, the job auction is one of the triggers.

The auction mechanism of positions is carried out in a transparent and selective manner. Transparency because it is done openly and every person who has administrative requirements in the form of level of rank and category, is allowed to register to fill the available vacancies. And it is said to be selective because the process is carried out through competency and fit and proper tests.

Auctions of positions change the paradigm of employees, where employees who are interested in occupying high leadership positions must propose themselves to be then compared to other higher leadership candidates.

Then, government agencies as parties that should carry out the auction of positions must prepare themselves through the preparation of position auction devices, starting from the regulation of the work, the organization that conducts the auction of positions, to personnel who have sufficient quality to be selected in the auction of positions.

The basics of the law

Because its nature is still not common, the system or auction mechanism of this position in its use still reaps various controversies or polemics considering that the current and applicable rules are not adequate, so the things that are feared will become policies that are legalized' and tend to prioritize power as a mere regional head (machtstaat). The following is the basis for the rules applied to legitimizing the legalized auction of positions by the government:

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