Polda Metro Jaya Will Not Allow Demonstrations Calling Rizieq's Release

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya emphasized that it would not issue a crowd permit related to a demonstration action plan from elements of society who are members of the National Anti-Communist Alliance (ANAK) NKRI.

There are demonstrations that will be held on Friday, December 18, demanding the release of Rizieq Shihab, who is currently detained in connection with a case of violation of health protocols.

"Even if there is action, we will carry out humanitarian operations. Community safety is the highest law, there is already a Law on Quarantine, Health, epidemics of infectious diseases, there are Regional Regulations, Governor Regulations, Governor Instructions," said the Head of Metro Jaya Police, Inspector General Fadil Imran. to reporters on Thursday, December 17th.

In addition, said Fadil, his party will also take other steps if demonstrations continue. This was done to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This is because public safety is the highest law.

"We will do it in the form of humanitarian operations, we will carry out 3T (Testing, Tracing and Treatment), so that the crowd can be controlled," he said.

In addition, the Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said that his party would not give permission to the crowd related to any activities.

"Yes, not issued a permit, not issued," he said.

Later there is a scheme that will be implemented to prevent crowds. One of them is by appealing to people in several regions.

But it cannot be clearly explained about other security schemes. Because, it is still under discussion.

"We will carry out humanitarian operations, where should we start? Our prevention starts from Bekasi from other areas, we say there should be no crowds," said Yusri.