Response to the Suicide Bombing at the Astanaanyar Police, Moeldoko: This Action Has No Profit

JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko strongly condemns the acts of terrorism that took place at the Astana Anyar Police, Bandung, West Java. Moeldoko emphasized that suicide bombings did not benefit anyone and hurt human values.

"This is a harmful activity. Imagine if the perpetrators and victims were our families", said Moeldoko, Wednesday, December 7.

The suicide bombing at the Astana Anyar Police occurred at 08.20 WIB. The perpetrator broke into the middle of the morning assembly to carry out the attack. The suicide bombings resulted in the death of 2 people, namely the suicide bomber and a police officer. While 2 other police officers were injured.

The TNI Commander for 2013-2015 assessed that the suicide bombing that occurred at the Astanaanyar Police made all parties aware that an ideology based on violence is not useful, both for ideological struggles and for people's lives.

“Stop all violent ideology. Stop the suicide bombings. What's in it for us? There's nothing, it's only detrimental to everyone", said Moeldoko.

Moeldoko also asked all parties to see and interpret the suicide bombing at the Astana Anyar Police as a useless event and only brought harm to all of society.

The incident, he continued, was not just violence but also a humanitarian incident whose solution could not be a residential solution.

"We need to strengthen social capital, community, and cooperation as an early warning to see the environment around us", he concluded.