Prevent The Bomb Terror Incident, Central Jakarta Police Will Evaluate Security At Command Headquarters

Security at all police stations of Polda Metro Jaya was tightened after the suicide bombing at the Astanaanyar Police, Bandung, Wednesday, December 7. Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin said the guard at the Central Jakarta Metro Police Command Headquarters (Mako) and the Sector Police had been running before the explosion incident at the Astanaanyar Police, Bandung.

"Security at the Central Jakarta Police Headquarters and the police stations are already underway," Kombes Komarudin told VOI, Wednesday, December 7.

Even so, his party will evaluate the tightening of guard so that it is more conducive and anticipates other incidents.

"Currently, several evaluations are needed. We are currently preparing (the guard police)," he said.

Previously, the National Police stated that one police officer died as a result of a suicide bombing at the Astanaanyar Police, Bandung, West Java. In addition, seven members were injured.

"Update on the victim of the suicide bombing at the Astanaanyar Police scene from a member of the National Police, one died," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan in his statement, Wednesday, December 7.

Meanwhile, seven injured victims. Three of them suffered serious injuries and are currently undergoing treatment.

In fact, as a result of the suicide, there were civilians who also became victims. Although, only suffered minor injuries.

"There are three members with serious injuries and four minor injuries," said Ramadhan.