Ismail Bolong Is A Suspect In The Illegal Mining Case In East Kalimantan!

The National Police Headquarters has officially named Ismail Bolong as a suspect in the alleged illegal coal mining management case in East Kalimantan. There are already two suspects in the case.

"So it is officially a suspect," said Ismail Bolong's lawyer, Johannes Tobing, to reporters, Wednesday, December 7.

The determination of the status of the suspect against Ismail Bolong is said to have been based on the title of the case since early this morning or to be precise after the first examination process was completed.

In fact, investigators decided to detain the former member of the Samarinda Police.

"In this way, we also convey that Mr. IB has been officially detained," said Johannes.

In this case, Ismail Bolong is suspected of having three criminal articles, namely, Article 158, Article 159, and Article 161 of the Minerba Law concerning illegal mining management, licensing and distribution.

Meanwhile, investigators had originally named one suspect. He is Ismail Bolong's business partner.

Then, in the investigation process, Ismail Bolong's wife and children have also been examined. They are the administrative owners of Ismail Bolong's company.