The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Has Been Asked To Take A Quick Action To Arrest The Chancellor Of Unila Ngaku Zulhas And Utut Adianto In The New Student

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has been urged to investigate the involvement of Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan and member of the DPR from the PDIP faction, Utut Adianto, in the bribery case of the inactive Lampung University Chancellor (Unila) Karomani.

Coordinator of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) Boyamin Saiman assessed that the KPK should move immediately. Moreover, Karomani has revealed the names of officials and figures who have entrusted prospective new students to the state campus.

"KPK must start calling these people as witnesses at the KPK and at the Tanjungkarang Corruption Court to open it up," Boyamin told reporters, Wednesday, December 7.

Boyamin assessed that Zulhas' statement to Utut could be used to strengthen the alleged bribery that occurred. In addition, this summons aims to collect evidence that can be continued with a new investigation.

"If there is sufficient evidence of his alleged involvement, then the KPK should carry out a new investigation as a development. (The existing information, ed) is not enough. However, the KPK must investigate it," said Boyamin.

The inactive Unila Chancellor Karomani testified to receive money from officials who entrusted their children and relatives to be accepted as Unila students. He made this statement when he was a witness at the Corruption Court at the Tanjungkarang District Court with the defendant Andi Desfiandi.

He mentioned a number of names, including the Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas). In addition, there are also other names that are entrusted by a number of parties, including members of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

They are NZ from DPR member Utut Adianto; AQ NP from Thomas Rizka, KDA from Tamanuri, SNA from Polda Joko; NA from Sulpakar; RAR from Central Lampung Regent; FA from Banten Warriors; ZAP from defendant Andi Desfiandi; R from DPR member Gaddafi; PR from the Banten Family; and FS from Rector II Rector II Unila Asep Sukohar.

Next is a prospective student with the initials M entrusted from Asep Sukohar, AC; entrusted by Alzier Dianis Thabranie, NA; entrusted by Sulaiman, NT; entrusted by Dr. Z, RBM; entrusted by the shareholder of Urip Sumoharjo Hospital, AF; entrusted by Mahfud Suroso, M; entrusted by Budi Sutomo, MZ; and entrusted by Budi Sutomo, CPM, and R.

Even so, Zulkifli Hasan has denied that he has entrusted prospective students to Karomani. He even said he did not know the inactive Unila Chancellor.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of the PDIP faction of the DPR RI, Bambang Wuryanto or Bambang Pacul, said that Utut only asked Unila to pay attention to the underprivileged children of the DPR. The child, he said, wanted to enter the Faculty of Medicine at Unila.

Even so, Bambang Pacul ensured that no rules were violated. Those who are helped by children who do not have a staff child (DPR) want to enter medicine. It was written because they know and that are still given a written note to the Chancellor of Lampung University. (The contents) ask for attention from the staff's children in the test according to existing laws and regulations," said Pacul at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Tuesday, December 6.

People who don't have it, staff children (DPR) want to go to medicine. We tell you, this going to medicine will cost you a lot. 'We will fight, sir', do we break it? People want to break class? " he added