Three Suspects Of Corruption Of The West Seram KPU Will Be Tried Immediately

Maluku High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) investigators have transferred the case files of three suspects in the alleged corruption case of the budget at the West Seram Regency KPU to the Ambon District Court (PN). The three of them will soon be tried.

"There are four case files for three suspects, each with the initials MDL, HBR, and MAB," said Head of the Maluku Prosecutor's Office, Ahmad Atamimi in Ambon, Maluku, Tuesday, December 6.

In addition to being suspected of being involved in financial irregularities at the West Seram KPU for the 2014 fiscal year, the three suspects are also suspected of being involved in a case of alleged corruption in the management of grant funds from the West Seram Regency APBD to the local KPU for the 2016-2017 fiscal year.

The three suspects are MDL as the Secretary of the West Seram KPU and concurrently PPK, MAB as treasurer managing grant funds in 2016-2017, and HBR salaku treasurer of the 2014 General Election and Presidential Election at the West Seram KPU.

According to Atamimi, the suspect MDL entered two separate files because at that time he served as the Secretary of the West Seram Regency KPU was responsible for the 2014 case and also the 2016-2017 case with a 2014 state loss of Rp9.65 billion.

Meanwhile, the state financial loss for the alleged corruption case for the 2016-2017 fiscal year amounted to Rp3.45 billion according to the expert count from the Inspectorate.

The perpetrators were charged with Article 2 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 18 paragraph (1), paragraph (2), and paragraph (3) of Law Number 31 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code as a prime charge. Meanwhile, the subsidiary indictment is Article 3 in conjunction with Article (18) in conjunction with Article 9 of the Corruption Crime Law in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.

Head of Public Information and Public Relations of the Maluku Attorney General's Office, Wahyudi Kareba, said that after transferring the files and the suspects and evidence to the Corruption Court, now it is just a matter of waiting for the formation of the panel of judges and determining the schedule for the trial.

"The suspects have also been detained by prosecutors since August 2022 at the Waiheru Class II Detention Center, Ambon," he said.