The Government Debt Relief Program Was Attended By 2,109 Debtors, More Than The Previous Year

JAKARTA - The government through the Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) of the Ministry of Finance reported that the Crash Program debt relief program throughout 2022 has been attended by more than 2,109 small debtors.

Director of State Property DJKN Encep Sudarwan said the number consisted of 1,049 hospital patient debtors, 461 debtors with a receivable value of up to Rp. 8 million, 237 student debtors, 92 micro, small and medium enterprise debtors (MSMEs), and 270 other debtors.

"This figure has increased from 2021, with a total debtor of 1,491 debtors, consisting of 471 hospital patient debtors, 178 debtors with a receivable value of up to Rp. 8 million, 254 student debtors, 232 MSME debtors, and 356 other debtors," he said when met in Jakarta, Tuesday, December 6.

According to Encep, the debt relief program is aimed at accelerating the decline in the outstanding state receivables and the number of state receivable case files (BKPN) in the state receivables affairs committee (PUPN) as well as encouraging the acceleration of national economic recovery.

The total outstanding state receivables that have been paid off through the debt relief program in 2022 amounted to IDR 77.14 billion, where in 2021, the total outstanding that has been paid off is IDR 101.2 billion.

Then, the 10 hospitals with the most debtors who participated in the debt relief program in 2022, namely Fatmawati Hospital Jakarta as many as 190 BKPN, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta as many as 180 BKPN, RSUP I GNG Denpasar as many as 151 BKPN, Jakarta Friendship Hospital as many as 78 BKPN, Prof. DR. Sulianti Saroso Jakarta as much as 78 BKPN.

Furthermore, RSUP DR. Sardjito Yogyakarta as many as 69 BKPN, RS Marzoeki Mahdi Bogor as many as 57 BKPN, RSUP DR. M Hoesin Palembang as many as 46 BKPN, RSUP DR. Hasan Sadikin Bandung as many as 44 BKPN, and RSUP DR. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Klaten Central Java as many as 26 BKPN.

"Meanwhile, the three universities with the most student debtors are Malang State University with 171 BKPN, Tanjungpura University with 37 BKPN, and Universitas Kabelas November Kolaka with 23 BKPN," he said.

For information, this debt relief program is a mandate of the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 11 of 2022 concerning the Settlement of Government Agencies Receivables that are taken care of/managed by the State Receivables Affairs Committee/Directorate General of State Assets with the Crash Program Mechanism.