Semeru Refugees:niGHt Return To Check House, Night Of Sleep In Refugees

JATIM - A number of residents affected by the eruption of Gubung Semeru returned home to check the condition of the residence and take the items needed while at the evacuation post.

Refugees in Penanggal Village, Candipuro District, Lumajang, returned home in the morning Tuesday, December 6, and returned to the evacuation post at night. The refugees who return home are usually men.

"Men and gentlemen, in this afternoon, return home to see his condition, as well as take care of livestock," said Maheasy, one of the refugees from Kajar Kuning Hamlet, Sumberwuluh Village, was confiscated by Antara.

The condition of the Refugee Command Post in Penanggal Village also seemed deserted because some refugees had returned to temporary shelters (huntara) in Sumbermujur Village.

"Last night there were still many refugees but now they have returned to the shelter. They were still traumatized yesterday by the eruption of Mount Semeru," he said.

From observations, the evacuation posts are dominated by mothers and children. They took refuge until the status of the mountain which has a height of 3,676 meters on sea level (Mpl) returned to safety.

Mount Semeru emitted hot clouds of avalanches with a range of seven kilometers on Sunday, December 4, at 02.46 WIB. At 12.00 WIB, PVMBG took mitigation steps by increasing the status of Mount Semeru from Level III or Alert to Level II or Alert.

The decision was taken so that residents living in disaster-prone areas of Mount Semeru vacate their areas and evacuate themselves to evacuations that have been provided in areas that are safe from the reach of the eruption. Thus, it does not cause casualties if at any time the volcano erupts.