IDSurvey Teaching Becomes The Opening Series Of SOE Holding First Anniversary Survey Services

Ahead of one year of the Survey Services BUMN Holding on December 16, 2022, the IDSurvey celebrates its anniversary through a series of events enlivened by IDSurvey members, namely BKI, Sucofindo, and Surveyor Indonesia.

Titled Collaborate to Innovate IDSurvey 1st Anniversary raises the spirit of building the nation through corporate transformation and business integration in holding. The series of events for the 1st Anniversary of the IDSurvey opens with IDSurvey Teaching activities at Jenderal Sudirman University (Unsoed) which will be filled directly by the President Director of PT Surveyor Indonesia, M. Haris Witjaksono, and also attended by Deputy Chancellor II for General and Finance, Dr. Strong Puji Prayotno, Vice Chancellor IV for Planning and Cooperation, Dr. Waluyo Handoko, as well as the ranks of the Dean and Academics Civities of Jenderal Sudirman University.

The Chancellor of Univeristas, General Sudirman, represented by Vice Chancellor IV for Planning and Cooperation, Dr. Waluyo Handoko, welcomed this teaching IDSurvey activity, in his remarks, Dr. Waluyo quoted the university's appreciation and hopes to continue to collaborate in order to support quality higher education.

"We appreciate the presence of an IDSurvey. Through this kind of cooperation, higher education can build an integrated and synergistic ecosystem. Unsoed believes that a mutually beneficial collaboration between universities and the IDUKA (Industry, Business and Working World), will strengthen both parties to grow and develop," said Dr. Waluyo in his statement, Tuesday, December 6.

On this occasion, the President Director of PT Surveyor Indonesia, M. Haris Witjaksono introduced the Testing, Inspection, and Certification (TIC) industry, as well as how the IDSurvey plays a role in the development of the national industry through TIC activities.

"We are present in the oil and gas and mining sectors, commodities, as well as industries and carry out testing activities in laboratories, or at the site to carry out independent assurances on commodities, both in terms of quality and quantity," said Haris.

Haris also conveyed about the shift in energy utilization which had begun to move towards clean energy and left fossil fuels. This movement towards green energy needs to be supported by national readiness and its development is a shared responsibility.

"Europe has stopped using coal, in China there are no more fossil fuel motors, Indonesia itself has started to enter several green energy adaptations, we already have wind power plants, nickel we can then be used as battery raw materials, we also have the B30 program which next year becomes B40, meaning the increase in CPO presentations (crude palm oil) as a mixture of pure diesel, to slowly shift our need for fossil energy which will definitely run out," said Haris.

As many as 100 students from various faculties of Jenderal Sudirman University packed the IAB Building, Faculty of Biology, Campus Unsoed. In addition, this activity was also attended by other students through both zoom and youtube.

The enthusiasm of the students for the discussions conveyed by the President Director of Surveyor Indonesia can be seen from the interactive question and answer sessions related to the green economy, new and renewable energy, to the role of the IDSurvey in national sustainable development.

In this event, assistance was also given in the form of Laptops and LCD for the Faculty of Biology, Jenderal Sudirman University as a form of dedication and support for sustainable development goals on quality education. In addition, a Memorandum of Understanding was also signed between Surveyor Indonesia and Unsoed regarding Education, Research, and Service to the Community and Quality Improvement of Human Resources.

"We really appreciate the signing of this memorandum of understanding. We can collaborate with each other on the potential of each of our own, so that we can share roles, especially in the tridharma of universities, the development of human resources, facilitation of MBKM and various other activities that have strategic and constructive value. Not only that, we also hope, hopefully, it will not stop at a memorandum of understanding or agreement, but hopefully it can be immediately realized in collaborative activities that are directly felt by the Unsoed academic community and PT Surveyor Indonesia," said Dr. Waluyo.

The IDSurvey Anniversary uniform will continue until its peak on December 16, 2022. In addition to the IDS Teaching, the Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) for New Electricity Installation Assistance is also implemented in Banyumas, Culture Talk Series, and coral reef transplant programs on Carita Beach.