It Was Thought That Women, Men In Pinrang South Sulawesi Were Almost Raped

PINRANG - A man with the initials Sa (48), in Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi (Sulsel), wanted to rape a man, M (24). He thought the victim was a girl, but it was a man.

Kasat Reskrim Pinrang Police AKP Dharma Praditya explained that the attempted rape, which turned out to be a man, took place at around 04.00 WITA, Monday, December 7. The incident occurred in Bungalowsosie Hamlet, Pananrang Village District, Mattiro Bulu Regency, Pinrang.

AKP Dharma said that victim M was about to return to his house in Bungalowosie Hamlet on foot.

"When the victim entered the alley leading to her house, suddenly the perpetrator caught her and slammed the victim so she fell, and at that time the perpetrator intended to rape victim M who thought she was a woman," said AKP Dharma when contacted by VOI, Wednesday, December 16.

However, when the victim went berserk and put up a fight, the perpetrator immediately choked the neck and bit the base of the victim's arm. Because of this rape attempt, the man went to the police.