Who Is Tri Rismaharini?

JAKARTA - Tri Rismaharini alias Risma is the first female mayor of Surabaya. He has served since September 28, 2010. Thanks to his achievements and assertiveness, Risma has served as the mayor of Surabaya twice.

This woman who was born on November 20, 1961 is the child of Mochammad Chuzaini and Siti Mudjiatun. He is the third of five children.

Since childhood, Risma lived simply. The income of his father who is a state civil servant (ASN) at the tax office must be sufficient to meet the needs of his four siblings. From her father, Risma also learned to be persistent and resilient.

Risma attended SD Negeri Kediri, and after graduating she continued her studies at SMP Negeri 10 Surabaya and then continued to SMA Negeri 5 Surabaya. After that Risma was accepted in the undergraduate majoring in architecture at the Sepuluh November Institute of Technology Surabaya.

Risma's never-ending learning enthusiasm made her continue her master's study in urban development management at the same campus.

After completing his education, Risma followed in the footsteps of her father by becoming a civil servant in the Surabaya city government. Until the age of 36, Risma became Head of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Section of the Surabaya Bappeko. After that, he became Head of the Data Collection and Counseling Section of the Disbang and Head of the Park Service Branch.

His career continued to skyrocket, Risma moved as head of the Building Development Section, Head of the Research and Development Section, to become Head of the Surabaya City Park and Sanitation Service. The PDIP Party has looked at the success of Risma's work, which wants to nominate her to be the mayor of Surabaya.

Change the face of Surabaya

As the former head of the Surabaya City Sanitation and Landscaping Office, Risma has successfully transformed the capital city of East Java into a city that is clean, full of parks, and free of floods. He transformed the unkempt land into a beautiful city park. Not surprisingly, currently, there are at least a dozen large-scale city parks with various themes as a means of relieving people's fatigue.

As a person who has a background as an architect, Risma does not play when it comes to urban planning development issues. One of the parks he built is Bungkul Park, which has received world awards. This park was awarded the 2013 Asian Townscape Sector Award from the regional office of the United Nations (UN) for the Asia and Pacific region.

Other parks that were built in the Risma era with the concept of an all in one entertainment park, including the Dolog Roundabout, Undaan Park, and parks in Bawean. Due to the construction, several places that used to be like suspended animation are now filled with residents of Surabaya.

Risma is not just a painstaking person, she is also a strict person. Once upon a time, he was furious because the residents trampled on damaged plants in Bungkul Park during the distribution of free ice cream in May 2014. At that time, the event committee had been sprayed, and they promised Risma they would repair the damaged part of the garden.

Apart from parks, Risma also contributed to the construction of sidewalks for pedestrians. By carrying out a modern concept, development can be seen directly along Jalan Basuki Rahmat, which continues to Jalan Tunjungan, Blauran, and Panglima Sudirman.

Go global

As long as Risma has led and succeeded in changing the face of Surabaya, a number of awards have been won both at the national and world levels. Under his leadership, Surabaya won the Adipura award from 2011 to 2014 in a row for the category of metropolitan city.

At the international level, Risma succeeded in making Surabaya the best city in Asia Pacific in 2012 by Citynet's version for the success of the city government and people's participation in managing the environment.

Because of his work, Risma was rewarded as the third best mayor in the world according to the World City Mayors Foundation. Then in 2016, this woman who was born on November 20 also received an international award "Ideal Mother," from the Islamic Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) Cairo.

A year later, Risma successfully won the President of Association otherways management & consulting Paris-Franc Otherways Management Association Club (OMAC) award. Until 2018, Risma was named President of the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) Asia Pacific (ASPAC). And in 2019, she received the Women Empowerment Award (WEA) in Singapore.



Like most famous figures, Risma's figure is not free from controversy. We started from 2014 when Risma won an international trophy titled the Socrates Award.

Risma and her staff proudly declare their achievements in the 2014 Socrates Award in the category "Innovative City of the Furuter." In a press release, the Public Relations of the Surabaya City Government said that Surabaya was the first city in the world to get this award for the city category.

However, the award was considered odd because the trophy category was clearly written as "For Personal Contribution to the Development of Europe Integration." Not the "Innovative City of the Furuter" category as stated by Risma and the release of City Government Public Relations.

Was explored on the EBA page. The name Risma and the city of Surabaya are not included in the list of Socrates Award winners. However, it was clarified by the Surabaya city government that the website was not updated.

Dolly's closure

Still in the same year, Risma also created controversy by closing the Dolly localization area. He slowly turned the area that was once a place of prostitution as a tourist location.

Risma said there was no purpose to make Dolly's residents suffer at that time. Instead, he wanted to save children from prostitution. He was concerned because someone told him that Dolly's children were not accepted to work anywhere because their home address was in a prostitution area.

Therefore, apart from building the face of Dolly's area, Risma is also trying to build her people there. Various government programs such as scholarships and training programs to open new livelihood opportunities were created by the Surabaya government.

Clashing with Ahok

Then in 2016, Risma had a clash with the Former Governor of DKI Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (BTP) alias Ahok. This feud is related to the gubernatorial candidate exchange in the 2017 DKI Jakarta Regional Election.

At that time there was an issue circulating that a party supporting BTP PDIP would nominate Risma as a candidate for governor of the capital city. In fact, the party's internal parties have not officially decided yet.

At that time, according to the news, BTP had time to compare what it had done for Jakarta with what Risma had done in Surabaya.

The BTP even stated that the area of Surabaya was only as big as South Jakarta. This made Risma furious. But BTP said the statement was just a media twist.

Hate speech targets

Then most recently, Risma was also the target of hate speech and defamation in early 2020. At that time, a woman from Bogor, Dzikria Dzatil, was named a suspect because she insinuated Risma's figure as a "female frog."

He did this because he did not accept the many blasphemies from Risma's camp to DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan, who was considered to have failed to solve the flood problem earlier in the year. Dzikria's mockery actually offended many residents of Surabaya and Risma. So he was arrested by the police and jailed for two weeks.


Tri Rismaharini's profile

Full name

Dr. (HC) Ir. Tri Rismaharini, MT

Nick name


Place and date of birth

Kediri, 20 November 1961






Doctor Honoris Causa / Honorary Doctor


Ir. Djoko Saptoadji


Fuad Bernardi

Tantri Gunarni Saptoadji


Formal education

2002: S2 ITS Surabaya City Development Management


1980: SMAN V Surabaya

1976: SMPN X Surabaya

1973: SDN Kediri



2010-2020: Mayor of Surabaya City

2008-2010: Head of Bappeko Surabaya

2005-2008: Head of the Surabaya City Garden and Sanitation Office

2005: Head of Research and Development Agency

2002-2005: Head of Surabaya City Development Development Section