Deputy Navy Chief of Staff Inaugurates the Transfer of Fleet Command I to Tanjungpinang

TANJUNGPINANG - Deputy Chief of Staff (KSAL) of the Indonesian Navy Vice Admiral of Indonesia Army (TNI), Ahmadi Heri Purwono, inaugurated the transfer of the West Fleet Command Headquarters I which was originally headquartered on Jalan Gunung Sahari, Jakarta to Tanjungpinang, Riau Islands.

The inauguration of the command headquarters for the operations command coincided with the 2022 Fleet Day Ceremony at the ceremony field of the First Fleet Command Headquarters ceremony in Tanjungpinang, Monday, December 5.

"Actually, this is not moving, but rather returning, because the Indonesian Navy has always been very successful in Tanjungpinang", Rear Admiral Purwono said as quoted by ANTARA.

With the transfer of Fleet Command I to Tanjungpinang, the units under it also moved, including the TNI IV/Tanjungpinang Main Base Command Headquarters moving to Batam.

While the Batam Navy Base moved to Tanjunguban, Bintan Regency, the First Fleet Command Marine Combat Group from Jakarta moved to Ranai, Natuna Islands Regency. Meanwhile, the Fleet Command Marine Security Group I moved from Batam to Sabang, Aceh.

The waters of the Malacca Strait to the South China Sea, the Karimata Strait, and parts of the Java Sea are very dynamic areas. Some of the world's major powers are vying for influence in the pathway that controls world trade and world energy.

If there is an escalation of military power in the region, Indonesia will be directly and indirectly affected.

Thus, bringing troops and force elements closer to points that have the potential to become conflict areas is a step taken by the TNI and specifically the Indonesian Navy, so that logistical lines can be closed and shorten the time for deploying troops and forces.

Purwono said the transfer of the units was adjusted to developments in the strategic environment. The impact is also very efficient in terms of fuel usage as well as the speed of movement in anticipating security disturbances in the Malacca Strait as an international trade route between Malaysia and Sumatra Island, Indonesia.

Moreover, the dynamics of the situation in the North Natuna Sea which is prone to criminal acts of sea crime, including fishing theft to territorial violations by foreign ships, of course really need extra security by the Indonesian Navy as the front guard guarding the maritime sovereignty of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

"Therefore, moving the Command Headquarters Flotilla Command I and the Indonesian Navy units will increase mobility and speed up the reaction time for deploying forces whenever and wherever needed", he said.

The Deputy Navy Chief emphasized that the Indonesian Fleet Command had grown and developed and demonstrated identity as the main element of national defense at sea.

Indonesian warships as part of the Integrated Fleet Weapons System, have become a reliable force in fortifying the Nusantara Ocean.

"We must continue to maintain and uphold this trust and mandate, followed by a determination to increase the professionalism of the defense equipment crew so that the SSAT system is feared and respected by opponents", he said.