Contributing 38.69 Percent To GDP Non-Oil And Gas Processing, Mamin Industry Stays Growing Amid Global Uncertainty

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) said that the performance of the food and beverage industry continues to grow, even though the world economy had been hit by a pandemic and was in the midst of global uncertainty.

The food and beverage industry was able to grow 3.57 percent (yoy) and listed itself as a sub-sector with the largest contribution to gross domestic product (GDP) in the non-oil and gas processing industry in the third quarter of 2022, which was 38.69 percent.

This was achieved thanks to good collaboration, between the government and the food and beverage industry players.

"The good food and beverage industry's performance cannot be separated from the role of industry players in this sub-sector who have worked hard to maintain the growth of their industry, so that it can grow positively, even during a pandemic," said Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita in Jakarta, Monday, December 5.

Agus said that the government has made various efforts to continue to encourage the competitiveness of the food and beverage industry in the country, one of which is by spurring the application of industry 4.0 in the manufacturing sub-sector.

The facilitation provided by the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) in the context of accelerating the implementation of industry 4.0 in the food and beverage industry, namely through the implementation of technical guidance for industrial transformation 4.0 for managers and engineers, verification of Indonesia Industry 4.0 Readiness Index (INDI 4.0), and assistance in the application of industry 4.0 with a target of 800 companies in 2022 and 2023.

Not only that, but the Ministry of Industry has also launched the Industrial Trust Index (IKI) which is an indicator of the degree of confidence or level of optimism in the manufacturing industry regarding economic conditions and is also an illustration of the condition of the processing industry, as well as prospects for business conditions in Indonesia.

IKI also aims to diagnose industrial sector problems and resolve them quickly and accurately.

In November 2022, the value of IKI is in the 50.89 position, which indicates that the industrial sector is still on the path of expansion.

"We ask for cooperation from industry players to fill the IKI commissioners honestly and factually the filling is carried out through the National Industrial Information System (SIINAs)," said Agus.

Furthermore, Agus said, IKI is the voice of the industry, so it must be seen as an instrument to voice the wishes of industry players.

In an effort to encourage the competitiveness of the food and beverage industry, the Ministry of Industry also continues to ensure the availability of industrial raw materials to support the production wheels.

Regarding the guarantee of the availability of raw materials, Government Regulation Number 28 of 2021 has been issued concerning the Implementation of the Industrial Sector which ensures that the industry can obtain raw materials through the commodity balance.

"Of course we at the Ministry of Industry will continue to strive to ensure that industrial colleagues have sufficient raw materials and we want to continue to facilitate so that there is no manufacturing sub-sector that is left behind," said Agus.

For information, in the CEO of the Indonesian Food and Beverage Manufacturing Forum (GAPMMI) in Jakarta, Friday, December 2, Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita expressed his appreciation for the achievements and efforts made by food and beverage industry players, as well as associations.

He also hopes that this achievement can be maintained, even improved in the future, as before COVID-19 which had recorded growth at 7 to 9 percent.

According to Agus, GAPMMI is a forum for entrepreneurs in the food and beverage industry who have a very strategic role as government partners to develop the food and beverage industry in the country.

"Active participation from associations and industry players in providing input to the government is needed so that industrial development policies are right on target. Not only in the food and beverage industry, but in the industry as a whole," he said.