The Ministry Of Industry Guides SOEs With Electronic And Telecommunication IKMs

In order to strengthen the national economy which is on the verge of a recession, the government continues to optimize the domestic market through increasing the use of local products.

This effort is in accordance with Presidential Instruction Number 2 of 2022 concerning the Acceleration of Increasing Use of Domestic Products and MSME Products in the context of the Proud Movement Made in Indonesia.

"The Ministry of Industry is mandated to accelerate domestic content level certification (TKDN), identify domestic product potential and readiness, and hold periodic business matching between producers and users of domestic products," said the Director General of Small, Medium and Multifarious Industries (IKMA) of the Ministry of Industry Reni Yanita, in Jakarta, Monday, December 5.

In carrying out this mandate, said Reni, the Ministry of Industry through the Directorate General of IKMA routinely holds business meetings to bridge small and medium industry (IKM) players with large-scale industries.

"Some time ago, we held a business meeting for IKM that produces electronic, electrical, and telecommunication products with SOEs in Bekasi," he said.

The business meeting activities were attended by 28 IKM electronics, electricity, and telecommunications, which included producing LED and PJU lights, accessories and components of the electricity network, telecommunications equipment, panel boxes, and electronic boards.

Meanwhile, the SOEs involved are Pertamina, Telkom, Telkomsel, PLN, PLN Icon+, Wika, Perumnas, and Housing Development (PP).

There are also four Telkomsel vendors, including PT Infrastructure Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkominfra), PT Wiraky Nusa Telekomunikasi, PT Westindo, and PT Kinarya Utama Teknik.

Reni said the purpose of the business meeting was to shorten the supply chain of SOEs to IKM so that IKM would get a more feasible margin profit and SOEs would get a more competitive price.

IKM can also find out the needs of SOEs, standard requirements, and procurement procedures.

"At the same time, it opens access to new partnerships between SOEs and IKMs for electronics, electricity, and telecommunications," said Reni.

This business matching, continued Reni, is a follow-up to the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of KUKM, the Ministry of Industry, and the Ministry of SOEs regarding Cooperative Partnerships, MSMEs/IKMs in the SOE Supply Chain on September 3, 2021.

"The Directorate General of IKMA at the Ministry of Industry together with the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, and the Ministry of SOEs signed a memorandum of understanding as a web to save the growth of micro-small industries in the fields of electronics, electricity and telecommunications," said Reni.

The memorandum of understanding is expected to be one of the breakthroughs to encourage the growth of small-micro industries in the fields of electronics, electricity, and telecommunications through joint guidance to improve the institutional quality and quality of IKM products.

According to Reni, with the joint guidance carried out by three ministries, IKM can further advance to class and be qualified to meet the production standards expected by SOEs.

Thus, the absorption of domestic products, especially products made by IKM, can further move the national economy.

"Therefore, we ask that SOEs together with us can provide input, evaluation, and guidance for sustainable improvements for IKM electronics, electricity, and Indonesian telecommunications," said Reni.

In addition, Reni assessed that business meeting is an effective way to get to know and know the potential products of IKM electronics, electricity, and telecommunications.

Previously, through a business meeting organized by the Directorate General of IKMA, 10 IKMs had entered into partnerships with SOEs.

"Among them, three IKMs with PTPN III, one IKM Cooperative with PTPN V, five IKM with PT PLN in 2021, and one IKM with PT INKA," he explained.

In this business meeting, the Directorate General of IKMA also held panel discussions, open booths, and networking dinners.

The Open booth will be guided by the committee so that SOEs visit IKM booths and then provide reviews and evaluations of the potential for IKM products.

The discussions and evaluations given will be followed up again through coordination meetings between the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of SOEs, and BUMN/BUMN vendors.

"Through today's business meeting, we hope that there will be more partnerships that will be formed so that they can be followed up with periodic evaluations to find out the progress and obstacles faced, both in terms of IKM and BUMN," he concluded.