5.600 Households In North Sumatra Received Electricity New Installation Assistance

JAKARTA - A total of 5,600 households in North Sumatra Province get free electricity from the government through the Electricity New Installation Assistance Program (BPBL).

"As of November 26, 2022, 5,580 households have been connected in North Sumatra through the BPBL Program which is a synergy between the Government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) and the House of Representatives (DPR RI)," said Secretary of the Directorate General of Electricity Ida Nuryatin Finahari in an official statement, Monday, December 5.

Ida explained, through this program, it is hoped that it will increase the number of PLN customers and can reduce network follow-up from connection withdrawals from neighbors that are not in accordance with the provisions. Electricity connections that are not in accordance with electricity safety provisions are certainly very dangerous.

"In terms of electrical electrical power, it does not fit the electricity safety side, it can actually be dangerous, if the constituent can bring in fires and shocks," said Ida.

On the same occasion, Member of Commission VII DPR RI Nasril Bahar expressed his support while still synergizing with the Regent.

"We will be ready together with the Regent to the village head, we want coal to be bright, so if the lighting is good, the economy improves, crime decreases, criminal acts will also shrink," said Nasril.

In addition, the Executive Vice President of the Sumatra Distribution Operations of Kalimantan Agung Nugraha expressed his gratitude to all parties (the Central Government, DPR, Regional Government and the community) who are involved and always work together, coordinate, and collaborate so that the implementation of the BPBL connection, especially in North Sumatra Province, can run well.

"The support from ladies and gentlemen is our encouragement in providing the best service to customers in the electricity sector," said Agung.

After the inauguration ceremony, the event continued with a symbolic lighting on two houses in Suka Maju Village. Ramli's first house (45 years old) has been distributing electricity to his father-in-law's house. "I feel very happy to get this assistance," he said using a Malay accent.

Apart from Ramli, the BPBL program was also given to Adriansyah (35 years old), who had been selling from her mother's house.

"Thank you for giving the light free, so far we have distributed it from Mama's house, I am very happy," he said.

Ramli and Adriansyah now have their own electrical installation. In addition to increasing the electrification ratio, the BPBL program is also expected to improve the standard of living, community independence, and a better life.