Rupiah Appreciated 0.09 Percent To Rp13,645 Per US Dollar

JAKARTA - The rupiah has managed to rebound by opening up to an appreciation of 12 points or 0.09 percent at the level of Rp.13,645 per US dollar on Friday January 31 trading this morning.

Based on VOI's observation, at 09.10, the rupiah moved slightly to weaken. During this hour, the rupiah was at the level of Rp. 13,653 or a decline of 0.03 percent.

Head of Research at Monex Investindo Futures, Ariston Tjendra, said the corona virus outbreak was still a major concern for market players. But according to him, overnight concerns eased after the WHO expressed confidence that China can control the spread of the virus.

"This has pushed the market back into risky assets. The rupiah could strengthen today," Ariston told VOI, Friday, January 31.

He added that positive sentiment also came from China's manufacturing and non-manufacturing index data which was just released this morning.

"Both data show that activity is still growing because the index is still at 50," he said.

He also predicts that today's rupiah will move in the range of IDR 13,600-13,650 per US dollar.