Heru Budi Activating Again Deputy Governor, PDIP Calls Better Than TGUPP

The chairman of the PDIP faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Gembong Warsono, assessed that the policy of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono to fill the position of Deputy Governor was better than recruiting members of the Governor's Team for the Acceleration of Development (TGUPP).

In Law Number 29 of 2007 concerning the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta as the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia. The Deputy Governor is the official who assists the Governor in administering local government. The deputy is appointed from civil servants who meet the requirements.

"The governor's deputy is better than inaugurating TGUPP. This (Deputy) is a formal organization in order to accelerate Jakarta's development, the division of governorial tasks so that it is divided into pieces," said Gembong when contacted, Sunday, December 4.

Jakarta has four positions as Deputy Governor. In recent years, when Anies Baswedan served as Governor of DKI, the position of Deputy Governor was vacant because a number of officials retired or moved to other agencies.

Now, Heru Budi has shifted Marullah Matali's position from the position of Regional Secretary (Sekda) of DKI to Deputy Governor for Tourism and Culture of DKI.

Therefore, Gembong also encouraged Heru to fill the positions of three other deputies. Bearing in mind, Heru does not have a Deputy Governor to help his work in leading Jakarta and Heru also still holds the position of Head of the Presidential Secretariat (Kasetpres).

"The logic is that the house is already there, yes it is necessary to have a resident so that he can help the governor in carrying out his daily duties. Meanwhile, the Acting also has duties outside as Head of the Presidential Secretariat," said Gembong.

"To support that, I think it is also necessary for the deputy to be fully filled. Not just one," he continued.

Heru Budi previously opened his voice about the shift of Marullah's position from the DKI Regional Secretary to Deputy Governor. He said this step was so that the DKI Jakarta local government, including himself as the Acting Governor, would become more agile.

"Mr. Marullah can help me more broadly and more agile," said Heru when met at Lapangan Banteng, Central Jakarta, Saturday, December 3.

Heru explained Marullah's role as Deputy Governor. He said that Marullah's role would be wider and related to external activities.

So far, as the Regional Secretary, Marullah is more focused on completing internal tasks, namely coaching ASN DKI Jakarta.

"Of course, there will be more tasks from us, we can communicate with the central government and can represent me in outside tasks, there are many related to other institutions that I have not had enough time," said Heru.

Meanwhile, Heru inaugurated Uus Kuswanto as Acting Regional Secretary of DKI. The plan is that the definitive appointment of the Regional Secretary of DKI is expected to be elected by the end of December 2022 or early January 2023.

"Implement the definitive regional secretary, if I ask the BKD (Regional Civil Service Agency) it may be 1.5 months from now on, late December or January (2023)," added Heru.

With Marullah's inauguration, only one of the four deputy governors of DKI were filled. In addition to the position held by Marullah, there are still three other deputy positions, namely the Deputy for Spatial Planning and the Environment; Deputy for Population and Settlement Control; and Deputy for Industry, Trade, and Transportation.