Officially Rising, This Is The Price Of Fuel At Private Gas Stations As Of December 4, 2022

JAKARTA - A number of gas stations, including the private sector, have increased the selling price of non-subsidized fuel oil (BBM) starting in early December 2022. So, is the current price of private fuel higher than that sold by Pertamina?

For the type of RON 90, for example, such as Pertalite at gas stations owned by BUMN, it is sold for IDR 10,000/liter lower than at private gas stations, which is IDR 12,600/liter to IDR 14,050/liter.

Deputy Country Chair and Vice President of Corporate Relations of Shell Indonesia Susi Hutapea stated that her party has adjusted prices from time to time by considering various factors.

These include adjustments including processed oil products based on the Mean of Platts Singapore (MOPS), market conditions and volatility, foreign currency exchange rates, government taxes and customs.

"We also consider the cost of distribution and operational costs, the company's performance and ongoing promotional activities. We will adjust the price, according to the applicable Government Regulation regarding the selling price of fuel," he said in a statement, Sunday, December 4, as reported by Antara.

Meanwhile, fuel with RON 92 or Pertamax at Pertamina gas stations is cheaper than at private gas stations, which range from Rp. 14,140 to Rp. 14,180/liter.

Likewise, Pertamax Turbo costs Rp. 15,200/liter, also cheaper than private output sold for Rp. 15,530/liter.

Meanwhile, diesel fuel, Dexlite (CN51), which is sold for Rp. 18,300/liter, is cheaper than the same type of fuel from private gas stations, which is Rp. 19,180/liter.

Responding to the increase in fuel prices at private gas stations, the automotive community stated that it was more stable to use Pertamina's products, apart from the cheaper price, which was also considered of high quality.

"For me, the price doesn't matter. Because Pertamax Turbo has good quality for vehicles that I have used for activities," said Civic Turbonesia founder Alex Respati.