Prosecutor For Execution Of The West Mobar Building Contractor Regarding Corruption Crimes

JAKARTA - The Nagan Raya District Attorney's Office, Aceh Province carried out the execution of ZA, a contractor for the construction of the Nagan Raya Regency Government Goods Building, Aceh Province to the Meulaboh Class II Penitentiary.

ZA was found guilty of being involved in a corruption case.

"We have carried out the execution of the convict ZA related to the criminal act of corruption in the construction work of the West Mobar Building in Nagan Raya Regency for the 2017 fiscal year," said Head of the Intelligence Section of the Nagan Raya District Attorney, Aceh Province, Achmad Rendra Pratama, quoted by Antara, Sunday.

Achmad Rendra Pratama explained that the execution of ZA was carried out after his party received a copy of the cassation decision from the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, decision number 5039/K/PID.SUS/2022, stated that they had granted the appeal/public prosecutor's request at the Nagan Raya District Attorney's Office.

The cassation decision also canceled the decision of the Corruption Court at the Banda Aceh High Court number 1 / Pid.Sus-TPK / 2022 / PT Bna dated March 2, 2022 and tried itself to declare that the defendant ZA had been legally and convincingly proven guilty of committing a criminal act of corruption together.

The Supreme Court sentenced the defendant to six years in prison and a fine of Rp. 400 million, provided that if the fine was not paid, he was replaced with imprisonment for six months, imposing an additional penalty on the defendant to pay compensation of more than Rp. 172 million.

The verdict also stated that if the convict does not pay the replacement money no later than one month after the court's decision has permanent legal force, then his property can be confiscated by the prosecutor and auctioned off to cover the replacement money.

"In the event that the convict does not have sufficient assets to pay the replacement money, he will be sentenced to one year in prison," added Rendra.

Before being executed at the Class II Meulaboh Penitentiary, West Aceh Regency, Achmad Rendra Pratama explained, previously the defendant ZA was charged by the public prosecutor on February 3, 2022 with charges of declaring the defendant legally and convincingly proven guilty as a person who committed a criminal act of corruption.

This is as in the primary indictment violating Article 2 Paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 18 Paragraph (1) Letter a, b, Paragraph (2) and Paragraph (3) of Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code and imposing a sentence on the defendant with imprisonment for seven years and six months minus the period of detention that has been served by the defendant with an order that the defendant remains in custody.

In his demands, the Public Prosecutor of the Nagan Raya District Attorney also asked the panel of judges to impose additional penalties on the convicts to pay compensation of more than Rp. 1.5 billion.

"And if the defendant does not pay the replacement money no later than one month after the court's decision has permanent law, then his property can be confiscated by the prosecutor and auctioned off to cover the replacement money," said Achmad Rendra Pratama.