The West Java Provincial Government Will Form A Mining Task Force, Media Is Also Libated As A Member

The Daily Executive (Plh) of the Governor of West Java, Uu Ruzhanul Ulum, said that his party would soon form a Mining Task Force. The purpose of establishing this task force is that mining activities are easier to monitor and the illegal ones can be immediately brought under control.

The establishment of a Mining Task Force in accordance with Presidential Decree Number 55 of 2022 concerning Delegating the Giving of Business Licensing in the Mineral and Coal Mining Sector.

Uu also revealed leaks related to the members of the Mining Task Force. "This task force will consist of elements from the regional government, TNI/Polri, the community, academics, including the media," he said, as quoted by Antara, Saturday, December 3.

The Mining Task Force will later suppress mining activities that are too massive and have the potential to damage the environment. This task force will also coordinate with the Regency/City Government. "Those who know better about the situation and mining conditions in the regions, namely the regent," said Uu. "The economy can increase because there are mining activities. However, legal compliance is needed to minimize negative effects," he added. Uu Ruzhanul said, West Java as a mining potential area. Therefore, the socialization carried out by the West Java Provincial Government wants services in the mining sector to be better in terms of law/ legality, as well as other technical matters. Through socialization in the mining sector, aspirations from both the community and entrepreneurs were also absorbed. Some time ago, a Mineral and Batu Bara Mining Sector Licencing Service was held at the Subang Regent's Hall.

Meanwhile, the Head of the West Java ESDM Service Ai Saadiyah Dwidaningsih said, mining is a strategic activity that supports development, especially infrastructure and industry, but often clashes with environmental problems. In line with the principles of good mining practice, West Java made various efforts to accelerate the delegated authority, including by strengthening coordination related to mineral and coal mining with various parties as well as developing an easy and fast digital service system. Furthermore, preparing professional human resources, also seeking good mining service governance, including socialization activities as a strengthening of commitments to the mandate given to provinces related to mineral and coal mining management. "This activity was carried out marathonly. This opportunity was held within the scope of the office of the Regional IV ESDM Office which includes Subang, West Bandung Regency, Bandung City and Cimahi," he said. "Of course, we were also followed by all relevant stakeholders in the city/district area," added Ai. Regent Subang Ruh Ruhmat appreciated the West Java Provincial Government, especially the West Java ESDM Service for the implementation of the socialization agenda related to mining. "We can make this moment a gathering event as well as how we discuss what the entrepreneurs complained about, as well as the opposite, we from the government have many things that need to be discussed," he said.