Cigarette Manufacturers Invite Modern Retailers To Grocery Stalls Not To Sell Cigarettes To Children And Adolescents

JAKARTA - The Association of Indonesian White Cigarette Manufacturers (Gaprindo) continues to play a role in supporting the government's efforts to reduce the number of child smokers in Indonesia by 8.7 percent in 2020 to 2024. One of them is by inviting all parties to actively prevent child smokers in their respective environments.

Chairman of Gaprindo, Muhaimin Moefti said, the number of child smokers in Indonesia continues to increase. Therefore, the efforts of the Indonesian government to reduce child smoking should be maximized.

"In reducing child smokers, support and structured action are needed not only from the government, but also from industry players, the community, schools and most importantly the family environment," he said, at a press conference 'Commitment to Suppress Child Smokers Through Collaborative Action. Cross Platforms', Wednesday, December 16th.

Muhaimin said, since 1999 Gaprindo has carried out many activities to campaign that cigarettes are not for minors. The designation is clear, namely adults over 18 years.

Furthermore, he said, commitment to preventing child smoking was also proven by providing clear information about the risks of smoking in each product package.

Various efforts were also made to supervise and control carried out. But unfortunately it must be admitted that it has not been effective

"As business actors in this industry, we do not want to let go. We want to fully understand that cigarette products have risks and therefore these products should not be consumed by children or pregnant women," he said.

Muhaimin acknowledged that cigarettes are legal products intended for adult consumers and it is their right for adult consumers to have easy access to these products. However, in line with that, it is necessary to impose temporary restriction measures for consumers.

"Education needs to be carried out to the public and including retailers or traders as well as shopkeepers or cashiers, so that together we can share the right understanding for consumers about cigarette products. As well as awareness that cigarette products are not products that are temporarily sold to teenagers," he stressed.

Therefore, said Muhaimin, Gaprindo wanted to invite various parties to actively contribute and wisely help reduce the number of child smokers in Indonesia.

Muhaimin said, in achieving maximum results in efforts to reduce the number of child smokers, it is not enough only from the government and the private sector. He considered, community and family participation is also needed in carrying out the function of monitoring access to cigarettes for children.

According to him, this is done by providing support for the participation of parents and families as the closest environment that affects the development phase of children and adolescents. So that they have sufficient supplies and information when receiving exposure from the surrounding environment.

"Today, I represent Gaprindo to announce the start of our campaign entitled preventing child smokers from collaborating to protect minors from cigarettes. We hope to get more support," he explained.