Crowds Of Supporters Of Rizieq Shihab Crowded Into The Police Station, Ridwan Kamil Asked Everyone To Refrain

BANDUNG - West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil asked the masses of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) supporting Rizieq Shihab to refrain from visiting the resort police offices (polres) in every region.
"We just follow it because the authority has been withdrawn to the central Police and so on, we follow it, and we believe that the law will determine justice proportionately," said Ridwan Kamil at the West Java Police, Bandung, Wednesday, December 16.
In addition, Ridwan Kamil appealed to anyone who wanted to convey their aspirations, to do so through dialogue. The goal, said Kang Emil, is to maintain conduciveness in West Java.
Previously, there were about five police stations or polres that were visited by a crowd of supporters of Rizieq Shihab. Among them are the Ciamis Police, the Tasikmalaya Police, the Bandung Police, the Cianjur Police, and the Garut Police.
"I urge us to prioritize dialogue to convey aspirations in a peaceful manner, so I urge all citizens to exercise restraint, leave everything to the legal process," he said.