What Is Neuralink: This Is The Hope Of The World Of Health In The Future!

YOGYAKARTA - On April 9, Elon Musk's company Neuralink shared a video of a monkey playing ping pong with his mind. According to Elon Musk's reply tweet, this future technology can be tested on humans by the end of the year.

In February, when a Twitter user wrote that they were "always available for clinical studies at Neuralink", Elon Musk replied that the company was working to ensure that Neuralink could safely be tested on humans by the end of 2021.

If successful, it may be used to cure brain diseases such as Alzheimer's and Alzheimer's. What is Neuralink, a neuroscience technology that many people talk about?

Neuralink is a gadget that will be inserted through surgery into the brain using robotics by neurosurgeons. In this procedure, a chipset called a link is implanted in the skull. It has a number of insulating cables connected to the electrodes used in the process.

This device can then be used to operate smartphones and computers without touching them. How does this "innovation (that is) work to push the boundaries of neural engineering"?

How Does Neuralink Work?

Before understanding how Neuralink works, you should understand the knowledge behind the human brain. The brain consists of neurons that send signals to cells in the body including muscles, nerves, glands, and other neuron cells. Each neuron consists of three parts called dendrites, soma (body cells) and accons. Each part has its own function.

Dendrite received the signal. Soma processes these signals. Akson then transmits the signal to another cell. Neurons are connected to each other by synapses that release neurotransmitters.

These chemicals are then transmitted to the dendrites of other neuron cells that cause current flows across the neurons. Electrodes that become part of the Neuralink will read the electrical signals produced by several neurons in the brain. The signal is then ejected in the form of action or motion.

According to the company's website, the tool is implanted directly in the brain because placing it outside of the head will not detect the signal the brain produces accurately. Now that you know what Neuralink is and how it works, know what Neuralink is doing.

What did Neuralink do?

As mentioned above, Neuralink can be used to operate encephalopathy. It can also be used as a link between the human brain and technology. This means paralyzed people can easily operate their phones and computers directly with their brains. The main goal is to help people communicate via text or voice messages. Of course Neuralink is not that limited, it can also be used to draw, shoot and perform other activities.

So after knowing what neuralink is, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!