Anti-Corruption Day, Chairman Of The KPK: Make Corruption A Latent Danger Not A Culture

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri asked all parties to make corruption a latent danger, not a culture. This is because the criminal act of rasuah can cause disruption in the realization of the goals of the state.
"Through the momentum of the 2020 Hakordia commemoration, let us build full awareness and strong determination of all the nation's children and we need extraordinary willingness from all elements of the nation so that corruption is no longer considered a culture but we make corruption a latent danger," said Firli when opening the commemoration event. World Anti-Corruption Day (Hakordia) 2020 broadcast on the KPK YouTube account, Wednesday, December 16.
At this commemoration, Firli also invited all parties to jointly strengthen their determination and commitment in eradicating corruption in accordance with the vision and mission of the KPK leadership for the 2019-2023 period.
"The vision of the 2019-2023 KPK with the community is to reduce the level of corruption to make Indonesia progress. Our society is widely involved," he said.
This community involvement emphasizes three approaches. The first is a community education approach to provide an understanding of the dangers of corruption so that people do not want to do it or be involved in racial acts.
The second is a preventive approach by improving the system so that it is hoped that there will be no more opportunities for people to commit corruption crimes.
Lastly, is the approach of firm repression while still being accountable, professional, and upholding human rights.
"Through corporate punishment, seizing the assets of the perpetrators of corruption, the return of state losses is expected to arise fear and awareness of the law and will not commit acts of corruption," he said.
It is known, Hakordia 2020 has the theme Building Awareness of All Elements of the Nation and Anti-Corruption Culture. This commemoration is expected to be a momentum to increase the participation of the general public in fighting corruption.
In this year's commemoration, President Jokowi appears virtually after being absent last year. He was present virtually from the State Palace, Jakarta accompanied by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD and State Secretary Minister (Mensetneg) Pratikno.
In 2019, President Jokowi was absent and was represented by Vice President Ma'ruf Amin. At that time, Jokowi preferred to attend a drama performance played by a number of his ministers including BUMN Minister Erick Thohir at SMKN 57, South Jakarta.
The reason for Jokowi's absence at that time was to share duties with his deputy. "Every year I attend. Only this Mr. Ma'ruf has never been there, huh. I continue to share the time every year," he said at the time.