Minister And Deputy Minister Of ATR Rajin Blusukan Makes A PROBLEM 35 Years Of Land Certificate For Children In Villages As Well

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo praised the hard work of the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) in issuing land certificates for the people so that land disputes and conflicts can be prevented and resolved.

One of the agrarian conflicts that was successfully resolved was the Anak Dalam Tribe land in Jambi which has been going on for decades.

"I'm also happy that this affair with the Anak Dalam tribe has been more than 35 years, correct sir? Right? It's more than 35 years of not being resolved. It is difficult if it is a legal dispute that is difficult, spending energy, spending money, spending thoughts, is really difficult," said the President, Thursday, December 1 yesterday.

At the State Palace, there were two people who were representatives of the Anak Dalam tribe who received certificates of the results of agrarian conflict resolution in Jambi Province.

According to the President, the agrarian conflict could be resolved because the leadership of the Ministry of ATR/BPN went directly to the field, ranging from ministers, deputy ministers, to regional office heads. The President said similar disputes did not only occur in the Anak Dalam tribe and were one of the main problems of land.

"If you sit in the office, you won't be finished at any time. There are a lot of disputes like this, not just the Anak Dalam tribe. This is a big problem for our land," he said.

In addition, another big problem is the existence of the land mafia. The Head of State firmly asked the Minister of ATR/Head of BPN Hadi Tjahjanto to eradicate the land mafia which is very disturbing to the public.

"I have conveyed to the Minister, Sir, don't forgive the land mafia. This concerns the lives of many people, namely the people. If it involves the land is terrible, sir, you can fight each other because it involves a very principle. This is what we must avoid so that land conflicts, once again, the land dispute can be resolved immediately by giving a certificate as proof of legal rights to land to the people," he concluded.