Bareskrim Polri Will Determinate Ismail Bolong's Decree Today

The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police will determine the fate of Ismail Bolong by conducting a case title in the alleged illegal mining management case in East Kalimantan (Kaltim) today, Friday, December 2.

Meanwhile, the process of holding the case was postponed one day from its initial plan on Thursday, December 1, yesterday.

"It has not been implemented (the case was held, ed) but will be carried out soon today," said Director of Certain Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Pipit Rismanto to VOI, Friday, December 2.

In the title of the case later, all findings and instructions will be discussed comprehensively. Then, determine whether Ismail Bolong's legal status is appropriate or not to be a suspect.

Di sisi lain, perkembangan penanganan kasus ini hingga pada pemeriksaan istri dan anak Ismail Bolong yang berlangsung kemarin.

However, Pipit, who was mentioned about the results of the examination, was reluctant to reveal it.

In addition, even this case has the status of an investigation. In fact, there is already one suspect who is said to be a colleague of Ismail Bolong.

"The miners who collaborate may be with the group Ismail Bolong," said Pipit.

For information, Ismail Bolong has been absent twice. Originally, the former Intelkam member was scheduled to give his first statement last week.

However, because he was not present, investigators sent a second summons for questioning today. However, Ismail Bolong did not fulfill it.

Ismail Bolong was viral on social media. He admitted that he deposited billions of rupiah from illegal coal mining to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

In addition, Ismail Bolong also admitted that he worked as an illegal coal collector in the East Kalimantan (Kaltim) area on his own initiative.

He claims to profit billions of rupiah every month and "coordinate" with Komjen Agus Andrianto in running the illegal mining business.

"The profit I get from collecting and selling coal is around IDR 5-10 billion every month. Regarding the activities I carry out, I have coordinated with Kabareskrim, namely to Mr. Komjen Agus Andrianto by giving money three times," said Ismail Bolong from his video caption.

Shortly thereafter, another confession video emerged from Ismail Bolong. It turns out that he is a member of the police who has retired since July 2022. In the video, Ismail appears to apologize to Agus Andrianto for the statement about the illegal mining deposit.

Ismail admitted that he had never communicated and did not know Kabareskrim. This man did not expect that the video would go viral.

In the video, Ismail mentions the first video was made because he was under pressure from Hendra Kurniawan, who at that time was a Karopaminal Divpropam Polri and a one-star general.